Can Italy get 9 pts and conceed 0 goals?




06/21 00:00



意大利目前是最佳的球队,就质量而言,这无疑是 2020 年欧洲杯的最佳球队。今天我看到了强大的德国,有 3 个主要夺冠热门(西班牙第一,德国第二和意大利)第三)。我看到意大利对土耳其的比赛完全占据统治地位,他们以 3-0 获胜,但创造了比这更多的进球的机会,然后对阵瑞士,他们没有像对土耳其那样统治比赛,但在他们没有进球的情况下控制了比赛球。今天将面对的威尔士肯定会获得资格,即使瑞士在 2020 年欧洲杯中获胜,4 分足以成为最好的第三名之一。我预计会有一些变化,因为曼奇尼会让最好的球员休息,让他们在 1/8 决赛中保持最佳状态。但是曼奇尼知道,如果意大利获得第 1 名的资格,他们将面对 C 组第 2 名的乌克兰,因此他们不会输掉这场比赛,因此如果输了,他们可以避开比利时。我正在一个惊人的时刻看到这个意大利,他们没有让对手有机会。对于这场比赛他们有一个非常好的新人,维拉蒂能够上场,可能是球队最好的球员,曼奇尼已经说过他会首发,由于天气炎热,他会做出一些改变。意大利将再次在主场比赛,在罗马,这对他们来说是一个很好的优势。我看不出他们输了或不赢了这场对阵威尔士的比赛,他们在赢得最后一场比赛并取得 4 分后更加放松。

可能的阵容:多纳鲁马;洛伦佐 - 博努奇 - 阿塞尔比 - 斯皮纳佐拉;洛卡特利-维拉蒂-若日尼奥; Insigne - 贝尔纳代斯基和贝洛蒂。

威尔士在对阵瑞士的比赛中取得了积极的得分,在我看来他们不配,因为瑞士在整场比赛中都表现出色,控球率超过 60%,射门次数很多,但这对他们来说非常重要因为他们的下一场比赛将是对这个可怜的土耳其。对阵土耳其的比赛是平衡的,两队本可以在上半场得分,但拉姆塞在加雷斯·贝尔的出色发挥后得分。贝尔在威尔士和俱乐部(皇家马德里、托特纳姆)不同。威尔士得到 4 分肯定有资格,他们知道这一点,并且会比对阵土耳其之前更轻松地打这场比赛。我看不到我们在 2016 年看到的那支球队在半决赛中输给了葡萄牙,我现在看不到他们击败了最好的球队。

可能的阵容:沃德;罗伯茨 - 梅帕姆 - 罗东 - 戴维斯;艾伦-莫雷尔-拉姆齐;詹姆斯-贝尔和摩尔。

Italy is at the moment the team in best moment, in terms of quality is for sure the best team of this Euro 2020. Today I saw a strong Germany and there are 3 main favorites to win this competition (Spain 1st, Germany 2nd and Italy 3rd). I saw a completely dominant Italy against Turkey where they won 3-0 but created chances to score more goals than that and then against Switzerland where they didn't dominate the game as against Turkey but were controlling the game when they didn't have the ball. Today will face a Wales that for sure will get qualified even if Switzerland wins as in Euro 2020 4 points is enough to qualify as one of the best 3rd places. I expect some changes as Mancini will rest the best players to have them in the best shape for the 1/8 finals. But Mancini knows that if Italy qualifies in 1st will face the 2nd of Group C that probably will be Ukraine and so they will won't lose this game so they can avoid Belgium if they lose. I am seeing this Italy in an amazing moment where they don't concede chances to the opponents. For this game they have a very good new, Verratti is able to play, probably the best player of the team and Mancini already said that he would start and that will make some changes due to the hot weather. Italy will play at home again, in Rome and it's a good advantage for them. I cant see them losing or not winning this game against Wales that are more relaxed after winning the last game and achieving the 4 points.

Probable line-up: Donnarumma; Lorenzo - Bonucci - Acerbi - Spinazzola; Locatelli - Verratti - Jorginho; Insigne - Bernardeschi and Belotti.

Wales started with a positive point against Switzerland where in my opinion they didn't deserve as Switzerland was better the whole game, with more than 60% of ball possession and with a lot of shots on goal, but this point was very important for them as their next game would be against this poor Turkey. Against Turkey the game was equilibrated and both teams could have scored in the 1st half, but Ramsey scored after a good play by Gareth Bale. Bale is not the same team for Wales as he is for the clubs (Real Madrid, Tottenham). With 4 points Wales is for sure qualified and they know that and will play this game so much more relaxed than they were before the game against Turkey. I cannot see the same team as we saw in 2016 where they lost on the semi-finals against Portugal and I cannot see them beating the best team at the moment.

Probable line-up: Ward; Roberts - Mepham - Rodon - Davies; Allen - Morrell - Ramsey; James - Bale and Moore.
