What will happen in Sevilla today? 欧洲杯西班牙VS瑞典




06/15 03:00



In my opinion Sweden have really good chances to avoid big loss in today's match up. I believe they are able even to make some points here, but I going with more safe option +1.5 AH.

Obviously, Spain is big favorite here and they going to play at home in Sevilla, but I wasn't impressed by their performances in last months. They lost 0:1 against Ukraine, they had draw 1:1 at home against Greece or they won by very late goal 2:1 on away against poor Georgia. Defensive formation is not hard to break at the moment - Spain conceded at least one goal in 6 of last 8 matches. They conceded goals against teams like Kosovo, Georgia or Greece. I believe Sweden have really good chances to score at least one goal today. Swedish young star striker Isak plays in Spanish La Liga for Real Sociedad and he played excellent football in last season as he scored 17 goals and recorded 2 assists. For sure he have confidence in his ability and he knows his today's opposition very well. Sweden scored at least one goal in last 7 matches in a row and they scored against top teams like France or Croatia.

If Sweden score a goal, that will be very hard for Spain to score 3 or more. In last 10 matches Spain only twice scored more than 2 goals.. Sweden defensive formation have a lot of confidence as they conceded only one goal in last 5 matches.

I don't see easy match for hosts.


显然,西班牙是本场的大热门,他们将在塞维利亚主场比赛,但我对他们过去几个月的表现并没有深刻的印象。他们以 0:1 输给乌克兰,他们在主场以 1:1 战平希腊,在客场以 2:1 的比分战胜了实力较弱的格鲁吉亚。他们的防守目前并不难打破——西班牙在过去 8 场比赛中的 6 场比赛至少失一球。他们在对阵科索沃、格鲁吉亚或希腊等球队都有失球。我相信瑞典队今天有很好的机会至少打进一球。瑞典年轻的明星前锋伊萨克代表皇家社会效力于西甲联赛,上赛季他踢得非常出色,打进17球并有2次助攻。当然,他对自己的能力充满信心,而且他非常了解今天的对手。瑞典在过去的 7 场比赛中连续取得进球,他们在对阵法国或克罗地亚等顶级球队的比赛中都取得了进球。 如果瑞典打进一球,西班牙就很难打进3球或甚至更多。西班牙最近10场比赛仅有两次进球超过2个。瑞典的防守阵型很有信心,最近5场比赛只丢了一个球。

