Need for victory




03/12 04:00



There are no more important tournaments for PSG. After being eliminated in the Champions League by Bayer Munich, the team now has only League 1 to focus on.

They need to show a different game today and make the fans forget the painful defeat in the opening phase of Europe's main tournament. Neymar is greatly missed by this team, mainly due to his individual quality in finding spaces in the opposing defense, but in this game, his absence cannot be a justification for a poor performance.

In addition to the absence of Neymar, defenders Marquinhos, Kimpembe, and Mukiele are also injured.

PSG is the leader of the championship with 8 points of difference from the second leader Marseille. Total record of 20 wins 3 draws and 3 losses.

3 defeats in the last 4 matches made the Brest team turn on an alert regarding the relegation zone. They really don't live a very good phase and the slim victory by 1-0 in the last round made the team a little more comfortable but they are still under pressure to distance themselves from this dangerous zone.

They occupy the 15th position with 5 wins 8 draws and 13 losses.

Furthermore, Brest will not have their midfielder Mahdi Camara suspended, in addition to defender Kenny Lala and midfielder Mathias Pereira.

PSG shows a lot of lack of will in League 1, we all see that in this team full of good players. What makes me find an opportunity today is the team's motivation to show a good result after an important failure in the season. In addition, the hosts are very fragile defensively and must suffer a lot in this sector.

My probable score here is 0-2 0-3

Marco Antonio,






最近4场比赛3场失利让布雷斯特队对降级区拉响了警钟。他们真的过得不太好,上轮以 1-0 的微弱胜利让球队稍微舒服了一点,但他们仍然处于劣势远离这个危险区域的压力。

他们以5胜8平13负排在第15位。 此外,除了后卫肯尼拉拉和中场球员马蒂亚斯佩雷拉之外,布雷斯特不会让他们的中场球员马赫迪卡马拉停赛。

PSG 在法甲联赛中表现出很多缺乏意志,我们都在这支充满优秀球员的球队中看到了这一点。今天让我找到机会的是球队在经历了本赛季的一次重要失败后,想要拿出好成绩的动力。此外,主队的防守非常脆弱,在这个环节肯定吃了不少苦头。


