



03/12 04:00



Paris Saint-Germain will continue their assault on Ligue 1 with a trip to Brest. With 3 straight wins in their last 3 matches, Paris Saint-Germain have opened an 8 point lead on second place Marseille. Meanwhile, Brest are in the 15th position and in a fight to get away from the relegation zone. Paris have not lost or drawn any of their last 6 matches against Brest. While Brest come into the contest buoyed by their first victory since January, Paris got knocked out of the Champions League by Bayern Munich on Wednesday night. Like a wouded lion, Paris Saint-Germain will be looking to inflict serious damage on Brest. I will be giving a straight win to Paris Saint-Germain over Brest for the following reasons:

Firstly. Paris are in a good form in the Ligue 1. They had won their last 3 matches scoring a total of 11 goals in the process. And Paris generally have been good on their away matches. They have been able to master the art of keeping their heads cool against the taunts of the opposition fans while playing away from home. Paris Saint-Germain sit comfortably at the top of Ligue 1, eight points ahead of their closest rival. Meanwhile, Brest had failed to win a single match in the whole of the month of February, losing all. Brest have only managed to win only two matches all season while playing at home, and currently sit at the 15th position.

Secondly. Paris Saint-Germain will be looking to get back from the mid-week disappointment of crashing out of the Champions League. They are known for bouncing back immediately and putting in a good performance after such Champions League disappointments. Paris Saint-Germain are unbeaten in their last 5 matches immediately following Champions League elimination. Looking at the opponent they will be facing, Paris may be grateful for such a favorable foe.

With these in mind, I believe that Paris Saint-Germain will comfortably win this match against Brest.


首先。巴黎在联赛中状态良好。他们赢得了最近 3 场比赛,在此过程中总共打入 11 个进球。巴黎在客场比赛中表现一般。他们已经能够掌握保持头脑冷静的艺术反对派球迷在客场比赛时。巴黎圣日耳曼队稳居法甲榜首,领先最接近的对手 8 分。与此同时,布雷斯特在整个二月份没有赢得一场比赛,输掉了比赛。布雷斯特整个赛季在主场只赢了两场比赛,目前排在第15位。

第二。巴黎圣日耳曼队将寻求从周中因欧洲冠军联赛失利而感到的失望中恢复过来。他们以在欧冠失利后立即反弹并打出出色表现而闻名。巴黎圣日耳曼在欧冠淘汰后的最近 5 场比赛中保持不败。看看他们将要面对的对手,巴黎或许会庆幸有这样一个有利的对手。

