

代表作品:Kok-Jacon, G.A, Ji, Q., Vincken, J.-P. and Visser, R.G.F.


发表的主要相关文论著有:(1) Ji, Q., Vincken, J.-P., Suurs, L.C.J.M. and. Visser, R.G.F.(2003) Microbial starch-binding domains as a tool for targeting proteins to granules during starch biosynthesis. Plant Molecular Biology. 51, 789-801.(2) Ji, Q., Oomen, R.J.F.J., Vincken, J.-P., Bolam, D.N., Gilbert, H.J., Suurs, L.C.J.M. and Visser, R.G.F. (2004) Reduction of starch granules size by expression of an engineered tardem starch-binding domain in potato plants. Plant Biotechnology Journal 2, 251-260.(3) Kok-Jacon, G.A, Ji, Q., Vincken, J.-P. and Visser, R.G.F. (2003) Towards a more versatile α-glucan biosynthesis in plants. Journal Plant Physiology 160, 765-777.(4) Ji, Q. (2004) Microbial starch-binding domain as a tool for modifying starch biosynthesis. ISBN 90-8504-022-1, 荷兰瓦赫宁根大学博士学位论文(5) 季勤, Jean-Paul Vincken, Krit Raemakers, Luc C.J.M. Suurs and Richard G.F. Visser (2005) SBD在重组蛋白质中位移对其酶活性及与淀粉粒结合性能的影响. 南京师大学报 (自然科学版), 28 (1)(6) Ji, Q., Vincken, J.-P., Suurs, L.C.J.M., Buléon, A. and Visser, R.G.F. glucan polymerization and granule packing uncoupled during starch biosynthesis in potato plants. (己投稿)(7) Ji, Q., Vincken, J.-P., Raemakers, K., Suurs, L.C.J.M. and Visser, R.G.F. Microbial starch-binding domain are superior to granule-bound starch synthaes I for anchoring luciferase to potato starch granules. (己投稿)
