
黄平,1954年出生于福建省厦门市,1982年毕业于福建师范大学艺术系油画专业,获文学学士学位,现任集美大学艺术学院教授。1987年考入中央美术学院油画系第四届研修班现为中国美术家协会福建分会会员、中国油画学会厦门会员创作的作品曾多次参加国内外较高级别的画展2001年油画作品《母与女》入选全国首届小幅油画展,并赴韩国、美国展览;2003年粉画作品《画室里的人体》入选全国首届粉画展,并被中国粉画艺术馆收藏。Huang PingPersonal experience1954 Born in Xiamen,Fujian1982 Graduated from Art Department in Fujian Normal University as the major of Oil Painting,received Bachelor Degree of Art1987 Admitted into the fourth research and study class of the Department of Oil Painting in the Central Academy of Fine ArtsWorking as a professor in the Department of Art in Jimei University nowA member of the Fujian Branch Association of Chinese Artists AssociationA member of Xiamen Oil Painting SocietyThe works have participated many international and domestic exhibition of high standard2001 The oil painting “Mother and Daughter” was selected for the first National Small Oil Painting Exhibition,and exhibited in South Korea and The United States2003 The pastel painting “Body in the studio” was selected for the first National Pastel Painting Exhibition,and collected by the China Pastel Painting Museum
