Jordan Rodrigues

Jordan Rodrigues

中文名:Jordan Rodrigues
英文名:Jordan Rodrigues
详细介绍:生于1992年7月20 悉尼 , 澳大利亚 ),是因扮演 Jai Fernandez (Home a......>>>查看Jordan Rodrigues详细资料

Jordan Rodrigues人物访谈

Interview with Jordon RodriquesJordon Rodriques moves into the Summer Bay family as Jai Fernandez. Not the traditional surfer type, he has his own unique style.Jai reconnects with Miles after the Boxing Day tsunami where he lost his family. Here is what Jordan has to say about himself and his character.Jordon Rodriques在扮演Jai Fernandez时,搬进了Summer Bay family 。和普通人的遭遇不同,他有他自己独特的方式。在节礼日的海啸后,Jai与Miles,还有这个使他失去家人的地方,联系在了一起。这就是Jordan想讨论的,关于他,也关于他饰演的角色。Can you tell me a bit about your background?I am just a normal kid. I went to Knox Grammer but I left school because I got the job at Home and Away, so I’m going to start home schooling next term.你能和大家说一下你的出生背景吗?我就是一个普普通通的小孩。我之前在Knox Grammer读书,后来我为了拍摄Home and Away离开了学校。所以我会在下个学期接受家庭教育。Any acting experience before Home and Away?I performed in the musical The Lion King, I was Simba. That was pretty much my first professional acting experience. I loved it and wanted to do more so I joined an agency. They got me a lot of extra work and some commercials.My interest in acting came from the Lion King, the sensation of performing. The Lion King was advertised in the newspaper so I just turned up and auditioned for it, so it was a good break. It went for about three years. It got a little tiring after a while. I would perform about twice a week because there were four other Simbas.你在Home and Away之前有任何表演经验吗?我曾经在狮子王中扮演辛巴。这差不多就是我第一个专业表演的经验。我爱表演,所以希望能够做的更多,于是我后来加入了经纪人公司。这使我得到了更多的工作和商业广告。我对表演的兴趣来自于狮子王,我喜欢那种表演的感觉。那时,狮子王在报纸上登广告招收演员,于是我就去面试角色。对于我来说,这是一个很好的机遇。大概持续了3年。那段时间是挺累的。不过我可以2大概2个星期表演一次,因为还有其他四个“辛巴”。Where are you from?I was born in Sydney but my parents are both Malaysian. They never bought me up speaking Manderin which now I sort of regret, I’d really like to learn two languages.The character Jai is sort of like me. I’ve been living in Australia but my parents are Malaysian. Jai was bought up in Australia but went on holiday with his family to Phuket and got caught up in the Boxing Day Tsunami.你来自哪里?我在悉尼出生,但是我的父母都是来自马来西亚。在我小时候,他们从来不教我说马来西亚语,这是他觉得遗憾的地方,因为我真的挺希望学会两门语言。Jai这个角色其实在某一方面挺像我的,我是澳大利亚长大但是我的父母都是马来西亚人。Jai在澳大利亚长大,但却在一次假日旅游时和他家人去了普吉岛,后来因为海啸而困在那里了。Does anyone in your family come from a performing background?No, not really. My Dad plays guitar for fun, and my brother and sister play instruments too, but they only do it for fun too. Maybe I’ve got a long lost cousin somewhere who is a bit of a performing at heart. But really, it’s only me.你家里有人是有表演经验的吗?不,并没有。我爸爸平时会玩下吉他,我哥哥姐姐平时也会玩一下乐器,但大家都是玩一下而已。也许在某一个地方有我一个远方表弟会一点表演吧。但在我家里只有我会表演。How did you get the role with Home and Away?Through my agent. The first audition was good and then I was picked to go along to the second one. Cameron Welsh was there, and Josh and Charlotte as well.I was really excited when I got the part. I was getting help for the audition from a friend of mine. She said I really had a good chance of getting this character because he’s so much like me in so many ways. Cameron just made me feel really comfortable and good about myself in the audition.你怎么得到Home and Away里面这个角色的?通过我的经纪人公司啊。第一次试验效果很不错,于是我被选为参加第二次试验。那时Cameron Welsh,Josh and Charlotte 都在那里。当我知道我得到这个角色的时候我真的很兴奋。我在面试时一个朋友鼓励我说:你真的有一个很好的机会得到这个角色,这个角色在一些方面真的和你很像。那时Cameron使我得到放松,然后在试验中表现的就很好。Your character, can be a bit aloof. Can you relate to Jai at all?Everyone feels alone at some stage of their life and they think no one can help them with their problems, when really there are people who can help. Yes, past experiences have helped me portray Jai.After Jai’s family died in the Tsunami he feels there is no one out there that can really help him, but then Miles’ family also dies in the Tsunami so they are going through the same thing together. But Miles breaks down at the same time as he is helping Jai. So he kind of ditched me and I took that the wrong way pretty much and felt that the world is a cruel place and that no one will ever understand me. So my character has cut down on socialisation and doesn’t really want to get to know anyone in the Bay, for trust reasons. He doesn’t want to get hurt again.你的这个角色,有点冷漠,你真的和Jai很像吗?每个人在他们生命中的某个阶段都会觉得孤单,这时他们认为没有人能够帮助他们解决他们的问题,他们不知道这个时候其实是有人可以帮助他们的。是的,以前的经历是有帮助我扮演好Jai这个角色。当Jai的家人都在海啸中去世时,他认为当时没有人可以真正的帮助到他。但是 Miles 的家庭也在当时那场海啸中都去世了,所以他们一起经历了同样的遭遇。但是Miles想帮助Jai时候自己也崩溃了,所以他差不多是把我带到一条死胡同里,所以我会觉得这个世界是残忍的,并且没有一个人了解我。所以我的角色切断了和外界的一切联系,也不想去认识在 Bay的任何一个人。他只是不想第二次受到伤害。How is it working with Josh?Josh is such a great actor and he’s helped me with this experience. It’s completely different to what I started out doing and he’s just really helped me with presence, all sorts of things. In real life he’s pretty much a mentor for me. It’s a fantastic opportunity for me.你和Josh相处怎样?Josh是一个很好的演员,他在演技经验上帮助了我很多。在刚开始是我真的觉得很困难,但是他在许多事情上面给我了很多的帮助。在真实生活中,他真的是一个很好的导师。这对于我来说是一个非常好极好的经历。Have you made friends with anyone else in Home and Away?Yeah pretty much the whole cast, they are so friendly, and cool and relaxed. They are really good at what they do. I’d like to get to know them a bit more.你还和 Home and Away的其他演员交朋友吗? 是的,几乎和整个剧组都有交朋友,他们都是很友好,冷静,悠闲的人。他们真的很擅长他们所做的事情。我希望能够了解他们更多What can we see happen with Jai the character in the Bay, does he form any close friendships with anyone?There are a few dramas surrounding him, but Miles is out to prove that he can build his life up again, and that people aren’t so bad. He is going to teach Jai to trust again那在BAY的Jai呢?他有和别人建立起很亲密的关系吗?他的遭遇有一些戏剧性,但是Miles最终证明了他们可以重建自己的生活和那里的人们也都很好。他最终教会了Jai去再次相信别人。
