



04/10 21:00



This won't be an easy win but still, I believe in a home team to prevail at the end. Napoli should win in this game if they are about to lift the trophy in Serie A and stay in a race with Inter and Milan. After the first week of the quarter-finals of European cups, the focus is back on the championship and on the challenges that will be played between Saturday and Monday evening: between an increasingly uncertain Scudetto fight, the sprint for a European placement, and the constant search for saving points of the teams at the bottom of the standings. Without the injured Di Lorenzo and the suspended Anguissa, Luciano Spalletti also has to deal with Osimhen's muscular problems, who will be monitored with great attention in the hours leading up to Maradona's match against Fiorentina. Few doubts for the coach, with Ospina between the posts in the 4-3-3 which will see the confirmation of Zanoli on the right with Rrahmani, Koulibaly and Mario Rui. Untouchable Lobtka in the median, with him Fabiàn and Zielinski (threatened by Elmas). Forward confirmation for the outsiders of Bergamo: on the right Politano and on the left Insigne, while Osimhen will be the offensive reference unless there are new annoyances.

Away coach goes to the San Paolo with some absences not to laugh at, especially in the middle. Terracciano defends the purple goal, on the right again Venuti in place of Odriozola announced absent, with him the "usual" Milenkovic, Igor, and Biraghi. In midfield both Torreira (disqualification) and Bonaventura (ailment) are out, Amrabat is ready to take the field instead of the former. Castrovilli, recovering, and Duncan complete the department. In attack, Cabral is again favored as a center forward, as Piatek is not at his best. Very close competition on the flanks, which could see Ikone and Gonzalez prevail, but watch out for Saponara. More secluded Sottil and the great former Callejon. Fiorentina is in a good form but thinkS they cannot leave Naples undefeated.

If I have to predict a result I would say Napoli 2 Fiorentina 1.

这不会是一场轻松的胜利,但我仍然相信主队最终会获胜。那不勒斯如果要在意甲捧起奖杯,继续与国际米兰和米兰展开角逐,那他们应该会在这场比赛中获胜。在欧战之后,焦点又回到了联赛:在越来越不确定的意甲争夺战、欧洲排名和垫底的球队的积分争夺。那不勒斯缺少了受伤的迪洛伦佐和停赛的安吉萨,卢西亚诺斯帕莱蒂还必须面对奥斯梅恩的肌肉问题,在马拉多纳球场对阵佛罗伦萨的比赛前的几个小时内,他将受到高度关注。对教练来说几乎没有疑问,奥斯皮纳在 4-3-3 的门将位置,扎诺利与拉赫马尼、库利巴利和马里奥·鲁伊在右侧。中场不可触碰的洛博特卡,和Fabiàn 和 Zielinski(受到 Elmas 的威胁)。贝加莫领衔锋线:在右边波利塔诺和左边因西涅,而奥斯梅恩将是进攻备选,除非有新的问题。

佛罗伦萨会有一些缺席,尤其是在中场。泰拉恰诺防守紫色球门,右侧的维努蒂再次代替奥德里奥佐,与他同在的还有米伦科维奇、伊戈尔和比拉吉。在中场,托雷拉(取消资格)和博纳文图拉(生病)都缺席,阿姆拉巴特准备回归。卡斯特罗维利和邓肯正在恢复。在进攻端,卡布拉尔再次成为中锋的青睐,因为皮扬泰克并不是处于最佳状态。侧翼的竞争非常激烈,可能 Ikone 和 Gonzalez 占上风,但要注意 Saponara。还有索蒂尔和前锋卡列洪。佛罗伦萨状态不错,但我认为他们很难保持不败。如果我预测结果,我会选择那不勒斯 2-1 佛罗伦萨。
