A big mismatch? 女世界杯 菲律宾女VS瑞士女




07/21 13:00



The FIFA Women's World Cup (WWC) has expanded to 32 teams, giving rise to several debutant sides, including the Philippines, ranked 46th by FIFA. This marks the first time a senior-level Filipino team participates in any FIFA international competition. The Philippines earned their spot in the WWC by reaching the semi-finals of the 2022 AFC Women's Asian Cup, securing their place via a shootout against Chinese Taipei. With only four Asian teams ever reaching the semi-finals since the inaugural WWC in 1991, the Philippines hope for some beginners' luck.

Featuring in Dunedin, the Philippine contingent includes seven players who have previously played on Oceanic soil at the club level. Given Switzerland's ranking 26 places higher than theirs in the current FIFA rankings, some Filipino fans might be content with a draw after 90 minutes. Switzerland is making just their second-ever appearance at the WWC, having reached the quarter-finals in 2015. However, a recent run of eight games without a win in regular time (D6, L2) raises doubts about their ability to start the tournament with a victory.

Switzerland's recent goalless streak suggests that they may not dominate the Philippines in a manner similar to their 10-1 thrashing of Ecuador in their WWC debut. However, Switzerland was the only team in their qualification group to defeat Italy, and they have never conceded more than one goal in any qualifier (W8, D1, L1).

In terms of players to watch, Isabella Flanigan, at just 18 years old, is the youngest outfield player in the Philippines squad. Her previous two competitive international goals have been match openers. On the Swiss side, Fabienne Humm, twice Flanigan's age, is aware that this is her final opportunity to achieve WWC glory. She scored the 121st-minute extra-time winner against Wales in the qualification playoffs, securing Switzerland's place in the tournament. An interesting statistic to note is that three of the Philippines' four all-time losses to UEFA-region opponents have been matches where they failed to score. That being said, I see the Swiss side scoring at least two goals against the inferior Philippine squad, which will be more than enough to win the bet.



菲律宾代表队在达尼丁的比赛中有7名球员曾在大洋洲的俱乐部踢球。鉴于瑞士在国际足联目前的排名中比菲律宾高26位,一些菲律宾球迷可能会对90分钟后的平局感到满意。这是瑞士队继2015年进入四分之一决赛后,第二次参加世界杯赛。然而,最近连续8场比赛在常规时间(D6, L2)没有取得胜利,这让人们怀疑他们是否有能力在比赛开始时取得胜利。

瑞士队最近一球未进的连胜表明,他们可能不会像在世界杯赛首秀中以10比1大胜厄瓜多尔那样主宰菲律宾。然而,瑞士队是唯一一支在预选赛中击败意大利队的球队,而且他们从未在任何一场预选赛中丢过一个以上的球(W8, D1, L1)。

在值得关注的球员方面,年仅18岁的伊莎贝拉·弗拉尼根(Isabella Flanigan)是菲律宾队中最年轻的外场球员。她之前的两个国际比赛进球都是比赛的开场。在瑞士这边,比弗拉尼根大两倍的Fabienne Humm意识到这是她获得世界大战荣誉的最后机会。在预选赛对阵威尔士的比赛中,她在加时赛第121分钟攻入制胜球,确保了瑞士的出线资格。值得注意的一个有趣的数据是,菲律宾历史上四次输给欧洲足联地区对手的比赛中,有三次是他们没有进球的比赛。话虽如此,我认为瑞士队在对阵实力较弱的菲律宾队时至少能进两个球,这将足以赢得这场赌注。
