Solid bet! 德乙卡尔斯鲁厄VS汉堡




03/12 20:30



Very strong battle at top 3 in 2 Bundesliga. On this weekend Hamburg have a good chance to take the leading of the standings after Darmstadt lost and Heidenheim draw yesterday.

Karlsruher is currently ranked 9th with 31 points. Their season is going slow but they are basically safe from relegation or playout zone. But also the promotion places are far away for them and team quality can't not compete. The only goal left is to collect as much as they can points and try to value the players.

KSC has been unbeaten for 5 games and recently even had 4 wins in a row. Among the current 2 Bundesliga teams, only FC St. Pauli has a longer winning streak. In the last 4 games, they win just as many as in the previous 15 games.

Out for this game are def Ambrosius (15/0), mid Breithaupt (24/2), mid Choi (9/0) and mid Siharloglu (0/0).

Hamburger in other hand is probably the best team in the league. They are chasing the promotion form many years and always failing in the end. But this year I don't see any other team with their qualities.

They are now unbeaten in 7 games, even having to travel to their two hot rivals in Darmstadt and Heidenheim, where they once managed to draw with a lot of effort and once unluckily got 2 more dropped points.

Out for this game are def Vuskovic (18/2), def Scholnau (22/1) and st Hail (2/0).

I think this is like a final for Hamburger and they should not fail given the team qualities.


德乙联赛中前 3 名的战斗非常激烈。本周末,在达姆施塔特输给海登海姆和海登海姆战平之后,汉堡很有机会在积分榜上领先。


卡尔斯鲁厄已经5场不败,最近更是取得了4连胜。目前2支德甲球队中,只有圣保利的连胜时间更长。在过去的 4 场比赛中,他们赢得的比赛与之前的 15 场比赛一样多。

这场比赛缺席的是后卫安布罗休斯 (15/0)、中场布雷索 (24/2)、中场崔 (9/0) 和中场西哈洛格鲁 (0/0)。



这场比赛缺席的是后卫Vuskovic (18/2)、后卫Scholnau (22/1) 和前锋Hail (2/0)。


