【10月2日】5 wins in last 7 Premier Leagues games🔥 英超近7中5




10/02 23:30



Leeds United will be coming into this game following the 5-2 horror defeat last time out at the hands of Brentford.

Fixtures involving Leeds United have proven to be engaging encounters recently with many goals. This, as entertaining as it is, is a cause of severe concerns for Leeds united and its fans because half of those goals have gone into their net. In their last 6 matches alone, a total of 21 goals have been recorded, with Leeds scoring just 11.

Aston Villa, on the other hand, will go into this meeting following on from a 1-0 victory over Southampton in their last match before the international break. Ahead of this meeting, Aston villa remains undefeated by Leeds United in an away game against them for their last league matches. A very decent away record against them.

Looking at their past head-to-head duels dating as far back as 2018, there has been little to separate the clubs, with Leeds untied winning 2 of those games, Aston Villa winning 2 as well, and 2 ending in draws. A total of 20 goals were scored between the two sides throughout those matches, with 10 coming from both sides.

Looking at these two teams, their records show that they are balanced out. However, we feel like Aston villa has what it takes to secure a victory or an even draw.

利兹联将在上一次以 5-2 惨败于布伦特福德之后参加这场比赛。

事实证明,涉及利兹联的比赛最近有很多进球。这虽然很有趣,但却引起了利兹联队及其球迷的严重担忧,因为仅在最近的 6 场比赛中,他们已经丢了21 球,仅打进 11 球。

另一方面,阿斯顿维拉将在国际比赛日前的最后一场比赛中以 1-0 战胜南安普顿后参加本次会议。在本次会议之前,阿斯顿维拉在上一场联赛客场对阵利兹联的比赛中保持不败。对阵他们的客场战绩非常不错。

回顾他们早在 2018 年的对决,两家球队之间几乎没有什么区别,利兹联赢得了其中 2 场比赛,阿斯顿维拉也赢得了 2 场比赛,而 2 场比赛结束于平局。在这些比赛中,双方共打进20球,双方各打进10球。

