




赵磊,字三石。1960年生于甘肃平凉市。西安美术学院毕业。曾任《海南开发报》、《西北时报》美编。多次参加全国性美展,部分作品获奖。先后在海口、兰州、西安、济南、北京、南京等城市举办个人画展,作品发表在《国画家》、《中国书画报》、《美术报》等多种报刊上。代表作品被广州美术馆、银川美术馆、西安美术学院及国内外收藏家收藏。1998年被敦煌现代石窟艺术中心选拔为绘制20世纪现代石窟壁画创作画家。现居北京宋庄。赵磊野荷俗系列水墨画,是他很轻易地把我带到人们内心这个原生态人文环境中去,他的情思意趣正契合了我的关于当代绘画的新观点:以自然为本,再现“内心世界”。野荷谷系列原生态的自然描绘,在提醒现代人在人与人关系中的迷失。实际上人在强调以人为本时是忘记了自然才是本。我们现代绘画的悲哀总是在“神”与“形”之间徘徊,对绘画更深层的功能并未阐发,原始黄昏的意识,散逸人性的水波,游弋荷红的黑迹,幻化生命的青枝,以及粗野河谷的体验,特别是理性西部的风云,皆是人在以自然为本。野荷俗系列水墨画,很轻易地把我们带到人们内心这个原生态人文环境中去,他的情思意趣正契合了关于当代绘画的新观点:以自然为本,再现“内心世界”。换言之,现 在的画家没必要重复摄影机摄像机的功能,也没必要浪费自己宝贵时间去重复微机电脑的制作效果,在这个机器人时代,人还应该让机器人完成不了人的所作所为。最少,机器还无法完成人的复杂而隐秘的内心世界,这是当代大量画家只会像机器一样画出形一样,却少有人画出“心”之形,这野荷谷系列就画出来了。赵磊的人物画取裁都是生活中常见题材,但他能把这些常见题材用一种与传统语言反叛的水墨形式来表述。人物造型略有夸张,但笔墨的内涵似乎与造型联系的更加紧密,它不仅仅在人物形态上以笔的流畅和水墨渲染对女人的身体及内心造成一种圆融,在造型的背后,水墨自身的内质及其张力,对人物的塑造起到了较深刻的发掘作用作品个展:2004年—2006年《野荷谷》系列水墨作品巡回展,(北京,南京,济南,西安,兰州,海口)等城市。作品联展:1990年参加中国美协首届山水画大展,(北京中国艺术研究院)。2005年参加当代水墨延伸邀请展(日本东京崆峒武术馆)。2006年参加中国宋庄艺术节,宋庄艺术家作品大展。(北京宋庄美术馆)2007年参加纪念中韩建交15周年国际美术展,(北京宋庄,上上国际美术馆)。2007年参加北京庐浮宫首届文化艺术节,美术作品联展,(北京集美国际艺术产业基地)。2007年参加07’中国宋庄当代艺术家大展。(北京宋庄美术馆)2007年参加全国首届禅意书画展(河南郑州)。2008年参加中国当代水墨邀请展(瑞典)。2008年参加北京上上国际美术馆国际艺术年展。2008年参加宋庄制造第三届传统与当代水墨专题展(北京宋庄,上上国际美术馆)。2009 年参加北京上上国际美术馆举办的《水墨为上》,《水墨社会》,《有朋自远方来—中韩美术作品联展》,宋庄制造《归去来兮》(北京宋庄上上国际美术馆)。2010年参加中国宋庄国画院成立暨中国画名家邀请展(北京宋庄上上国际美术馆)。2011年参加特邀著名艺术家《迎春画展》(北京宋庄小堡驿站)。2011年参加中国共产党建党90周年中国书画名家《翰墨丹青颂党恩》书画联展暨现场笔会(重庆巴渝文化会馆)注:戴笠公馆。2011年参加北京市组织举办宋庄100位艺术家描绘北京美丽乡村展览评为三等奖(北京世纪坛展出)2012年作品《野荷谷系列》之一由“宋庄夜话”推荐被北京地铁文化传媒招贴展出在地铁1号线王府井站。出版发表:作品发表在《国画家》、《中国画》、《中国书画报》|《美术报》等多种刊物;在中国宋庄网、艺术国际网、中国画杂志网、中国工笔画论坛、中国画论坛、中外名人字画网、工笔同盟网、中国艺术之窗网等几十家艺术专业网站上发布作品(百度搜索“赵磊 野荷谷”) 2005年出版《重“心”开始》水墨画作品集。2008年荣宝斋出版社、出版《当代实力派画家赵磊水墨画》作品集作品收藏:敦煌现代石窟,银川美术馆、广东美术馆、西安美术学院、日本东京崆峒武术馆、少林书画院、北京上上国际美术馆等国内外知名画廊和收藏家收藏。英文简历:
  Zhao Lei resume
Zhao Lei, the word, three stone. Native of Hebei in Xingtai city. Born in 1960 in, Pingliang city of Gansu. Graduated from Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts. The" northwest Times"," Hainan Development Report”,” Pingliang Evening News" editor, reporter; visiting professor of Changan Art College; Contemporary Ink Art Research Association President; Dunhuang Modern Mural Art Research Institute Vice President; Dunhuang modern cave first level artist; Gansu province Pingliang City Shuxie vice president, the Secretary-General; Beijing nine to celebrity culture of company executive director; member of Gansubranch of China Artists Association,. In 2003 ,settled in Beijing.Personal exhibition: 2004- 2006" wild Lotus Valley" series water ink exhibition tour, (Beijing, Nanjing, Jinan, Lanzhou, Xi'an, Haikou city) etc.Joint exhibition: In 1990 to participate in China Artists Association the first landscape traditional Chinese painting exhibition (China, Beijing Art Institute).In 2005 to participate in the invitational exhibition of contemporary ink extension (Tokyo Japan Kongtong martial arts Gallery).In 2006, to participate in the China Songzhuang Art Festival, Songzhuang artists works exhibition. (Beijing Songzhuang Art Gallery)In 2007, to participate in the International Art Exhibition of commemorating the15anniversary of China and South Korea established diplomatic relations ( Beijing, Songzhuang, Sunshine International Art Museum ).In 2007, Beijing Le Louvre Museum the First culture and Art Festival, Fine art works joint exhibition, (Beijing Jimei international art industry base).In 2007, China Songzhuang contemporary artists exhibition. (Beijing Songzhuang Art Gallery)In 2007, the whole country first Zen Book Art Exhibition (Henan Zhengzhou).In 2008 to participate in the Chinese Contemporary Ink-painting Invitation Exhibition (Sweden).In 2008, participates in the Beijing Sunshine International Art Museum International Art exhibition.In 2008, the Third Songzhuang Making traditional and contemporary ink thematic exhibition (Beijing Songzhuang, Sunshine International Art Museum).In 2009 ,participates in the Beijing Sunshine International Art Museum" ink on the ink"," ink society"," to have friends from afar – China-Korean Art Gallery"," I'm going home!" made in Songzhuang ( Beijing, Sunshine International Art Museum ).In 2010, China songzhuang Academy of traditional Chinese painting established and Chinese painting masters Invitation Exhibition (Beijing, Sunshine International Art Museum).In 2011, invited the famous artist" spring exhibition" (Beijing Songzhuang Xiaopu small station).In 2011,joined the ninetieth anniversary of the CPC founding Chinese calligraphy masters" Dan Langhammer ode party en" painting and Calligraphy Exhibition & Pen scene ( Chongqing Bayu Culture Hall ) Note: Dai Li mansion. In 2011 to participate in Beijing city organized, 100 artists depicting Beijing beautiful country exhibition named the three prize (Beijing century altar display)Published: works published in" Chinese painting artists"," Chinese painting"," Chinese calligraphy and painting newspaper”, " art newspaper" and other publications; in China songzhuang network, art international network, Chinese painting magazine network, Chinese meticulous painting Forum, Chinese celebrity calligraphy net, meticulous alliance network, China art window nets and other dozens of art professional website published works ( Baidu search" Zhao Lei wild lotus valley”)IN 2005, published “from heart to start" ink painting works.In 2008, RongBaoZhai Press published “contemporary power painter Zhao Lei ink painting" collectionWorks collection: Dunhuang modern cave, Yinchuan Museum of fine arts, Guangdong Museum of art, Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, Tokyo Japan martial arts Kongtong Gallery, Shaolin Academy of painting and calligraphy, Beijing Sunshine International Art Museum and other well-known domestic and foreign galleries and collectors.
