

英文名:Lauren Faust
详细介绍:劳伦·浮士德(Lauren Faust,1974年7月25日~)是一名美国动画师、编剧、导演和制片人......>>>查看劳伦·浮士德详细资料


Equestria Daily记者采访Lauren Faust女士:Lauren, first I’d like to thank you for agreeing to this interview with Equestria Daily here at BABSCon.劳伦,我首先要感谢您能在BABSCon上接受小马国日报的访谈Lauren Faust: My pleasure. Happy to.我很乐意,这是我的荣幸Which brony convention has been the most memorable for you to attend so far?您对哪一次马聚印象最深呢?LF: They were all memorable for different reasons, but that very first one, BronyCon 2012, was insane. I think it was just so huge and I don’t think I really understood what I was in for. There’s not many times in your life you get standing ovations from thousands of people, so that one still sticks out as just the most- I think I was the most astounded at that one.所有的马聚都有其值得纪念的特殊之处,但是给我印象最深的还属2012年的那次疯狂的首聚。那次马聚规模很大,大到我甚至不清楚自己到底是去干什么的了。人生中可没有多少次能让数千人为你起身欢呼的机会,所以当我回想最难忘的一次聚会时,那次聚会的场面就从浮现了出来。I remember a little video that went out a little while ago from that convention here, where you were presented with a huge poster of your OC that said, “Create.”我记得那次马聚还有过一个短片,短片中你手中拿着一张印着你的OC的海报,上面写着“创造”。LF: There were many tears shed at that one.那时我哭得很厉害Well, now that you’ve been to a couple of different types of pop culture events, not just the Pony Cons, but also various comic book related shows like San Diego Comic-Con. What are some of the differences you find between a regular pop culture event and a brony convention?你现在已经参加过很多不同类型的流行文化活动了,除马聚外,还有很多像圣地亚哥动漫展一类的与漫画相关的展览。那么你觉得这些普遍的流行文化活动与马聚最大的区别在什么地方呢?LF: Well, before I even made My Little Pony, I went to San Diego Comic-Con many, many, many times for my work on The Powerpuff Girls and Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends. What’s fascinating about the Pony conventions is just the insane passion behind it.实际上,在我制作彩虹小马之前,就因为在《飞天小女警》与《亲亲麻吉》上的工作原因而经常参加圣地亚哥动漫展。其实马聚与其他漫展的最大区别,就在于其背后的狂热气氛。San Diego is full of fans—there’s definitely passionate people there—but at the Pony conventions, I see people who tell me that the show changed their life. I’ve never seen that, at least not so concentrated, at the other comic conventions. I’m sure it happens—because we all have things that we love that changed our lives—but it’s so much more apparent and huge at the Pony conventions than I’ve ever seen it at the comic conventions.虽然圣地亚哥遍地都是粉丝,其中也不乏狂热分子。但是在马聚上,有人曾告诉我小马改变了他们的生活,这是我闻所未闻的,至少在以前的其他展会上从没有如此多的人和我提到这些。但这种情况却真实发生了,而我对此深信不疑,因为我们所深爱的事物终将会改变我们的生活。这种现象在马聚上比我在之前其他漫展上看到的更为强烈。Speaking of your comic convention experience, do you have a particular memory that sticks out from when you’ve been going out and meeting the public?说到你在漫展上的经历,你与大众见面时有没有什么印象特别深刻的事情呢?LF: I have some specific memories, but they’re either funny or surprising. The thing that’s had the most impact on me isn’t so specifically one instance. I’m still in constant shock at how many people tell me that the show has changed their lives. It’s not just one person here or there. It’s like half of the people I talk to say it changed their life for the better, not just a little, but significantly. Almost that it saved their lives. Those are my favorite things to hear. That’s my biggest takeaway from the conventions. To know what it feels like to have something you created, and something you dreamed up, have such a profound effect on so many people. I can’t even explain it. It’s not one specific memory but, collectively, that’s the thing that has the biggest impact on me, means the most, and that I take away with me from every single convention.我有很多难忘的记忆,它们要么非常有趣,要么令人惊喜。但对我影响最大的不是某一件事情。那么多的人告诉我这个节目(指小马驹)改变了他们的生活,这确实让我非常吃惊。这并不是某几个人感觉到自己生活的变化,和我交谈过的人,有一大半都认为这个节目让他们的生活变得更加美好,不是一点点,而是在很大程度上的改变。甚至可以说,这个节目拯救了他们的生命。这些是我最喜欢听到的。也是我在漫展上的最大收获。就是当你知道你设计出来的东西,你创造出来的东西,对如此多的人有如此深远的影响之后的那种感觉,我甚至无法具体的描述出那种感觉。这不是某件特殊的记忆,而是所有的记忆集中起来,冲击着我的心灵,它们对我影响很深。这些就是我在每一次马聚中所收获的东西。Thank you, Lauren.非常感谢你,劳伦LF: Oh, you’re very welcome. My pleasure.噢,不客气,我很荣幸As a Star Trek fan, how much of a thrill was it to cast John de Lancie as Discord?作为一个《星际迷航》的粉丝,当你得知John de Lancie会为无序配音时,你的内心有多激动呢?LF: Oh my God, casting John de Lancie was insane! It was amazing and I don’t- it had been a long time since I’d been as nervous as I was when I went to record him for the first time. I hope my voice didn’t shake. I don’t know if he even noticed, but I had a huge knot in my stomach. I was so terrified that this guy, who’s this brilliant actor, who’s had so much experience, that I had so much admiration for, just thought it was some dumb little kids’ cartoon or something. It was amazing and then to be able to become friends with him afterwards and to regularly speak with him has been surreal in how incredible it is. I don’t know if I can emphasize enough how insanely amazing it was.噢我的天哪,让John de Lancie来配音真是个疯狂的主意!这真是太令人吃惊了,他第一次来录音时我紧张了很久。我希望我当时的声音没有颤抖。我不知道他有没有注意到,但是我紧张地像胃里打了结一样。当时我还很担心我所敬仰的这个经验丰富的、优秀的演员会认为这只是一部给小孩儿看的愚蠢卡通片或是别的什么类似的剧。那是一段美妙的时光,而后来能与John成为朋友并经常与他谈笑风生的日子更让人感到不可思议,就好像这一切都是虚幻的一样。我不知道我到底能不能清楚地告诉你这整件事是有多令人惊喜。I grew up watching The Next Generation and specifically Q in particular.我是看着《星际迷航:下一代》长大的,而尤其喜欢Q这个角色。As soon as I heard him I was like, “That’s it. I’m in for the long haul.”所以当听到有人提到他时,我就立刻说,“就是他了,他就是我一直想要的人选。”LF: Yeah, yeah, he’s an inspiration.是啊,没错,他的确是一个能启发灵感的人选Speaking of being an inspiration, how did you get involved with the Wildlife Learning Center that you worked on a couple of their Indiegogo campaigns with?说到成为一位激励者,您和野生动物学习中心是一家呼吁公众关爱野生动物的公益组织)合作过一些Indiegogo上的众筹项目,您最初是怎么和野生动物学习中心建立合作关系的呢。LF: I have a very good friend, Tammy List, who I’ve worked with at Cartoon Network for a very long time and she and I are animal dorks.我有一个非常要好的朋友,Tammy List。我和她在CartoonNetwork共事了很长时间,她和我都是狂热的动物爱好者。She’s my one friend that I can sit around and talk about my dogs for three hours, and she’s actually interested.她是那种能坐下来连续三个小时听我聊我的宠物狗的朋友,而且她是真的对此感兴趣。She just called me up one day and said, “Hey, I heard about this little zoo and their having a fundraiser and we can go pet fennec foxes.”有一天她打电话给我:“嘿,我听说有个小小动物园,他们办了个募捐活动,还可以让我们帮忙照顾耳廓狐。”I went, “Oh my God. Let’s do it.” We went and it was just a little fundraiser. We’d never heard of it before, and she just stumbled across it in a magazine ad as a local advertising sort of thing.我说:“噢天哪,我们开工吧”结果我们去了以后才发现那只是一个很小的募捐活动,我们从没听说过。她也只是在地方杂志上打的那种广告里偶然瞥见了这个消息。We went and we had a lot of fun. We both did, but she had so much fun that she went back there regularly and started volunteering.(但不管怎么说)我们俩都在那里玩得很开心,她甚至还定期回到那里,继续她的志愿工作。Then, probably a good year and a half after she started volunteering there, I started volunteering there.她在那里工作了将近一年半之后,我也成了那儿的志愿者。So I was volunteering there on the weekends while I was working on My Little Pony.所以在我创作彩虹小马期间,我也会利用周末去那里做志愿工作。I was nothing special at that time, so I was just cleaning chinchilla cages. There wasn’t much more to it than that.在一开始我也干不了什么特殊的活,所以我只是帮忙打扫南美栗鼠的笼子,除此之外就没什么可干的了I volunteered there on the weekends for several months.Around the time when I started sharing on social media about bronies and their amazing generosity with helping out fundraisers and stuff like that, the Wildlife Learning Center asked me to be on the board of directors, specifically to help with fundraising.这样的周末志愿工作持续了几个月,大概就是那段时间,我开始在社交网站上展示马迷们为募捐之类的项目做出的巨大贡献和其惊人的慷慨。于是野生动物学习中心请我加入董事会,专门负责筹集捐款。I’m so proud to say that Bronies have raised over forty thousand dollarsFor the Wildlife Learning Center.!让我感到令我非常自豪的是马迷们已经为野生动物学习中心募集了超过四万美元的善款。Wow.It’s just kind of a, “Hey, let’s go do something fun,” that over the years just blew up into this second job for me.劳伦:几年前的一句“嘿,我们去找点乐子吧!”的玩笑,最终发展成了我的第二职业。CC: Well you gave the community a chance to name animals after characters in the show.CC:你给了观众一个让他们用动画中的角色名来命名这些动物的机会。LF: Yeah, I was so surprised that worked.LF:是的,我很惊讶这竟然行得通CC:What’s the one memory that really sticks out from your volunteer work there?CC:你在那儿做志愿者时,印象最深的事是什么LF: What memory? For me it’s, God, getting to meet the animals. Once you’re there for a while—because they’re protecting the animals and their health and safety is the most important thing for them—and they trust you and know you’re not going to make any stupid mistakes, you start to get to do really cool stuff. The first time I went to see Lola the sloth—and they let me in her enclosure—and I fed her an ear of corn, I just melted into a puddle. Sloths are the magical creatures. If they have a sloth at the zoo, they hide. You never see them.LF:印象最深的?对我来说,那就是见到动物们。一旦你在那里待了一段时间——因为他们的职责是保护动物,所以动物们的健康和安全被放在第一位——当他们信任你并且相信你不会犯一些愚蠢的错误后,他们就会让你开始做一些很酷的事情。我第一次近距离接触树懒Lola时——他们让我进到围栏里喂了它一穗玉米——她简直把我萌化了。树懒是一种有魔力的生物,但是动物园里有树懒的话,它们会躲起来,你肯定看不见它。CC:No.CC:是啊LF: Getting to see one two feet in front of me, and give her food that she eats with her mouth right there was the biggest thing for me. It was just unbelievable.LF:能够与她面对面地接触,并看着她吃下我喂它的食物,我感觉非常难忘,真是太不可思议了。CC:Sounds like you had a lot of fun.听起来那时候你很开心LF: Yeah, definitely.是啊,当然CC:Well hopefully the sloth, Lola, was a little bit of a faster eater than the sloths that were presented in Zootopia.CC:好吧,希望这只叫Lola的树懒会吃得比Zootopia里那只树懒快一些。LF: I don’t know. She can go as slow as she wants. I’ll watch her all day.LF:我不知道,她想要多慢都可以,我能一整天都看着她。Speaking of adorable little animals, Mane6 has been fairly quiet on Them’sFightin’ Herds since the very successful Kickstarter campaign. Has your involvement with the game come to an end for the time being or is there something you’ve been working on behind the scenes that we can look forward to?说到可爱的小动物,Them’sFightin’ Herds在Kickstarter众筹大获成功后,Mane6就一直非常低调。你参与制作的这个游戏要完成了吗?或者你能否透露一些制作过程中的情况,好让我们好好期待一下呢?LF: I just did sketches for the splash cards like two days ago. They’re still working on it. If they’re quiet, it’s because they’re busy. They’re working like crazy and we’re always talking a little bit about trying to get out there a little bit more. I know the forums went up and they either just had or are very soon due to do another live stream. I think we’re just waiting until we have something super cool to show and everything is still not quite finished enough to share. I bet a million dollars that there’s going to be a point where the floodgates open and we’ll have plenty to share.我两天前才画了一张闪卡来着。他们依然正在制作这款游戏。如果他们没有发布什么消息,那就说明他们很忙。他们工作得非常卖力,我们也总是会讨论怎样才能加入更多的元素。我知道他们建了个论坛,并且要么刚做完直播,要么正在准备下一次直播。我想我们得等到做成有足够酷的东西的时候才会对外展示,不过现在还没有完成到可以分享的地步。我敢打赌当游戏完工之后,一定会令大家大开眼界的。Well, we’re definitely going to be looking forward to it, Lauren.是啊,我们一定会非常期待的,劳伦。LF: Oh, I’m glad to hear it.噢,我很高兴听到这些。Continuing on with Them’sFightin’ Herds, what are your thoughts on creating for other story mediums, like comics or small prose pieces, for you to further explore the world of Fœnum.咱们继续聊Them’sFightin’ Herds。你有想过要通过制作一些其它的故事载体,比如短漫画或者短文什么的,用来填充Fœnum的世界观吗?LF: That’s very much something that we’d like to do, and that we’ve talked about quite a bit. The funding from the Kickstarter is going to funnel entirely into the game, and if the game does well enough—and generates enough interest that we can bring in more funding to do those sorts of things—we absolutely will. A dream of the group, collectively, is to let it build out even further.这也是我们正想开展的工作,我们之间也进行过几次讨论。在Kickstarter上募集的资金将全部使用在游戏的开发上,如果游戏制作得足够好,也非常受欢迎的话,我们就能得到更多的资金来制作你提到的那些东西,并且我们一定会做。总的来说,我们制作组的梦想,就是能让这个游戏可以走得更远。Well here’s hoping that Them’sFightin’ Herds is a runaway, smash hit.在这里我们希望Them’sFightin’ Herds能大受欢迎LF: Well we all hope so.我们都希望如此Is there anything else you’d like to talk about?那么你还想聊聊其他什么吗?LF: No, not necessarily. Just whatever- if there’s anything more that you’d like to either elaborate on or any new questions.LF:不,没什么了。当然如果你想要再深入讨论或是有其他新的问题的话,请继续。Couch Crusader: I had a couple other questions.Couch Crusader:我的确还有几个问题想要采访你。LF: Yeah, sure. If we have time.LF:请便,如果时间充裕的话。CC: You said, during the panel, that you set up each of the main six with a stereotype that you wanted to break.CC:你说过你原来在创作期间,想为每一位主角小马设定一种性格形象,并在之后的剧情中改变它。LF: Yeah.LF:是的。Couch Crusader: Did any of them not do that? Did any of them not follow that pattern?Couch Crusader:那么她们之中有没有小马没有做出改变呢?或者说有没有小马没有遵循这种设定呢?LF: I think some of them might fall a little bit into the stereotype. What’s funny to me is that sometimes I see fans apply the stereotype that wasn’t necessarily intended and elaborate on that. But I’m really proud to say that they all kind of buck the system a little bit. Twilight is smart, reads a lot, is a little antisocial, and is kind of OCD, but she’s not a nerd. She doesn’t have glasses and the nasally voice. She’s still sweet, and smart, and pretty which is the opposite of what we think is a nerd.LF:我想六位主角中可能有一两只陷入了某种固有的形象中。但有意思的是,有时我会看见粉丝们将那些并非刻意设计的设定做出更详细的解释。不过我很高兴她们或多或少做出了改变。暮暮很聪明,博览群书,还有那么一点点地不合群,并有些许的强迫症倾向,但她并不是一个书呆子。她不戴眼镜,没有鼻音。她还是那么的亲切可爱,冰雪聪明,并不是我们所一贯认为的那种书呆子形象。Rarity is always my example.She’s beautiful, and she loves clothes, and she loves being beautiful, but she’s not mean. She’s not snobbish. She’s not a shopaholic. She’s an artist! I think everybody kind of falls in that category. Some definitely more strongly than others. Characters like Applejack and Fluttershy might be a little bit more towards their stereotype, but other characters, I think, really …瑞瑞也一直是我的榜样。她很漂亮并且热爱时装,喜欢打扮自己。但她一点也不刻薄,也不是一个势利鬼或购物狂,而是一位艺术家!我想每个人多少都属于那个范畴,有些还会比其他人更显而易见。像阿杰和小蝶的那种设定或许稍微刻板一些。但至于其他角色,我认为···It ended up being a good mix.拥有混杂的性格终归是一件好事LF: Yeah. Yeah, I think so. Thank you.LF:没错,没错,我也是这么想的,非常感谢。Horse News记者采访Lauren Faust女士:HN:Horse NewsLF: Lauren FaustHN: You avoided pony conventions in the past, what made you change your mind?你以前总是避免参加马展,是什么让你改变了主意?LF: Well, to be perfectly honest, I hope no one holds this against me because it actually seems to bother some people – it was upsetting, going to conventions and ya know, being reminded I couldn’t stay on a show I created and that other people were finishing up. It was a little more than I wanted to put myself through, so I stepped away for a while. Plus, you know, it’s just busy. You know, it’s a hard business, and a lot of long hours, and it can be really hard to get away. So, what made me change my mind, was almost accidental, Mitch Larson challenged me on Twitter, and I kind, without really thinking, started goofing off with him and challenging him back, and I went like “oh, I better do this, or I’m going to look like a jerk”. So, I went to EQLA just for that, because Mitch and I were just joking around, and then when it finished I was like “hey, I don’t feel so bad anymore!” like, it was actually fun, and it was really nice to see bronies again, and all the nice things they always have to say to me, like that made me feel good! So, I decided to try a few more, and it’s been great.呃,诚实地讲,我希望没人责怪我,实际上这似乎冒犯到了一些人,这让我很紧张。你知道,去漫展时我必须得提醒我自己不能禁锢在自己之前创作的,别人已经看完的动画上。其实我更想让我自己走出前作的阴影,所以我对马聚最初敬而远之。另外一点,你知道的,我太忙了。你知道,这是项艰苦的工作,需要很多很多时间,真的很难抽出时间。是一个意外让我改变了自己的想法。Mitch Larson在推特上向我发出挑战,我没怎么想就答应了,开始和他耍宝并挑战了他。就好像“我最好这样做,否则我看上去就活像个傻帽。”所以,我为此参加了EQLA。因为Mitch和我一开始只是在开玩笑,结束的时候,我觉得“嘿,我感觉好了许多!”就像这样,实际上很有趣,再次见到马迷们真的很好,那些他们想要告诉我的那些美妙的事,让我感觉非常不错。所以我决定多去参加一些马聚,那种感觉很棒。HN: Nice. So, you’ve been involved in shows, in almost every key-aspect now, is there any key-aspect or stage that you enjoy the most that stands out for you?太棒了。那么,你现在几乎参与了节目制作中的每一个关键步骤,有没有哪些方面或者阶段是你最为喜欢的,或是对你来说最印象深刻?LF: Yeah, I love development. Development is my favorite, because you canjust wallow in the potential of it all. You can make a dream of it, big as you want it to be, as ambitious as you want it to be, you can even think about following storylines that might even be a little unconventional or a little strange, and that’s before, you know, your bosses come in, and they want to change things, because according to their market research or their goals of the network, or their budgets come in and tell you “you can’t have that many backgrounds” or, you know “we can’t make the animation look that awesome because we can’t afford it”. So, like before any of that stuff happens and you have to start adjusting things for different reasons, in the beginning when you’re developing it, it’s just the beautiful magical time when anything can happen.嗯哼,我喜欢新生事物。新概念是我的最爱,因为你可以完全沉浸在它无限的可能性之中。你可以为之幻想,你想让它多宏大就能让它多宏大,你甚至可以考虑一些甚至有些不合传统的,奇怪的故事情节,当然你知道,那是在老板进来之前的脑洞。他们想改变很多东西,因为,根据他们的市场调查,他们对于网络的目标或者是他们的预算,他们会进来告诉你:“你不能保留那么多的设定。”或者,你知道,“我们不能让这部动画片看上去那么赞,因为我们负担不起。”所以,以往每次有这种事情发生,你就不得不为不同的原因开始调整思路。新概念的产生阶段是一段什么事都可能发生的魔幻时光。HN: All these restrictions and limitations, do they actually help sometimes, or do you just feel they interfere with your work?所有的这些限制,它们对你有帮助嘛?还是你只是觉得它们会干扰到你的工作?LF: Sometimes they do, sometimes they do. Limitations are nice, I’ve talked in a couple panels, about how a lot of storytelling is about problem solving, and sometimes when you go in to solve those problems, you discover things that you might not have thought of before. So absolutely, sometimes the limitations do help.有些时候它们确实有它们的好处。限制这种东西很好,我曾在一些座谈会中谈到,很多时候,叙述故事框架就等于是在解决问题。有时在你解释的时候,你会发现你之前可能从未考虑过的问题。所以,限制思想有些时候绝对有好处。HN: But at some point, it’s just not that much fun anymore?HN但在某一时刻,是不是有点无趣了?LF: Yeah I mean it depends, a lot of it is just like, you know, somebody comes in and says like “I hate that character, take it out”, and I’m like “but I love that character”, like, that’s not necessarily helpful.是啊,不过看情况吧,如果有人进来说“我讨厌这个角色,把他去掉”,我就说“但我喜欢那个角色”,不过我也就是嘴上说说。Then you take this character out, and it’s like pulling this thread, and everything unravels and you’ve gotta put it back together again. Sometimes it’s better, sometimes it’s worse, but you’re being paid to do a job, so you have to make it work again.然后我还是会把这个角色去掉,但牵一发而动全身,其他所有的设定都会出问题,你就要把整个故事重新构建一番。有时这样更好,有时则更糟,但你拿工资就是为了工作,所以你不得不再将它重新构建一遍。HN: With “Themes Fighting Herds”, you can do all the development again, or at least some part of it, but what’s different because it’s a video game? What came as a surprise to you?在“Themes Fighting Herd”系列的制作中,你终于可以大显身手了,至少在该系列的一部分上。但是这款游戏有何不同呢?仅仅因为它是款游戏吗?还是对你而言有什么特别的惊喜??LF: Yeah, well it came as a learning experience for me, because I’m not super familiar with the world of video games. The only fighting game I’m really familiar with is Street Fighter from 1991没错,于我而言,这是一次很好的学习经历,因为我对于游戏的领域还不是很了解。我唯一熟悉的格斗游戏就只是街霸1991HN: Well, everyone is!实际上,每个人都很熟!LF: From like 100 Million years ago? So I kind wanted to bring this storytelling and world building aspect to it, but again there’s limitations. My original concept for “why are they fighting?” that was a big question, “why are they fighting with each other?” and the obvious answer for me was “it’s a tournament”, but it’s not a tournament for trophies, it’s a tournament to have the honor of saving the world, and they’re all “yeahhh…everything’s a tournament, can we think of something else?”原始人都了解对吗?(劳伦自嘲)所以我想把一些合理的剧情及世界观代入这个游戏,但是重申一下,这种想法是有局限的。我最初设定的概念是“他们为何而战?”,这是个大问题。“他们为何互相争斗?”于我而言明显是“这是场比赛”但这不是场争夺奖杯的比赛,这是场争夺保卫世界的殊荣的竞赛,他们都在那说“是啊…这一切不过是比赛而已嘛,我们能想点别的吗?”And, I didn’t know that, I didn’t know that everything was a tournament. But really, for me, it’s so much more them than me, ya know? I’m doing the character designs, I’m thinking up the world and the characters, but they’re making it, and they’re the ones that are making it fun, and I don’t give any input about how they’re fighting, or the animation, or how the moves work, or any of that stuff because I know nothing about it. They know better than me, I would prefer for them to have it than for me to sit around and guess. I’m just trying to bring what I’m good at to the table, to hopefully make it something, a little special.而且,我其实不知道,我不知道那到底是不是场竞赛。但其实,于我来说,他们本身的设定已经完全超越我给的局限了,知道吗?我做角色设计的工作,只是在思考与探知这个世界,他们自身却在不断地塑造这个世界,他们的存在使得这个世界更为有趣。我并没有参与设计他们的战斗动作,或是动画制作,或他们如何移动,还有道具使用什么什么的,因为我对此一无所知。其他人员比我更了解这些,比起坐在一旁瞎指挥,我更喜欢把这些工作留给其他伙伴。我只是尽全力把我所擅长的工作做好,尽可能让其特别一点。HN: As you just mentioned, with the world building and the lore, that appears to be a common theme in everything that you do, and that’s something that a person doesn’t see in so many TV shows or games or media. Could you ever work on something that is lacking in that aspect?正如你所提到的,设计新奇世界观以及背景故事是你工作中的家常便饭,那都是一些人们不可能在访谈、游戏以及社交网络中了解到的背景工作。你可以在缺乏某些世界观设定的情况下完成作品嘛?LF: Yeah, oh I absolutely could. I think you could say that shows like Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends didn’t have a lot of world building. We were very specific in saying that “The world of Fosters is exactly like our world, except that imaginary friends are real. Nothing else is different.”劳伦:可以,噢,我当然可以。我想你会发现像《亲亲麻吉》这样的动画并没有多少新世界观的构建。我们可以很明确地说《亲亲麻吉》的世界和我们的很像,除了那些幻想的朋友以外,都是真实的,一切都没什么不同。So there wasn’t that much more to dream up beyond that. But what is fun about Fosters, and the sort of thing I’m interested in, in everything I do, besides world building, is relationships. Who are these characters? How can we make our audience relate to them? And how do these characters relate to one-another, and what sort of conflicts come out of their relationships? And that’s funny, because world building is like this HUGE THING and intrapersonal relationships is infinitely inward, and those are my two favorite things.所以我们并没有在现有的现实世界观上加入其他新奇的东西。但《亲亲麻吉》的趣味在于其人物之间的关系,这也是我在每一次创作中除开世界观设定之外最感兴趣的部分。这些角色是些怎样的人?我们怎样才能让观众与他们产生共鸣?这些角色之间又有什么关联?他们之间又会产生怎样的矛盾?这很有意思,因为“世界观的设定”给人一种庞大的感觉,而处理人物关系则更加微妙,这都是我最喜欢做的工作。HN: Moving on to something else. In the past you’ve had some strong opinions on the so-called “Pink Aisle” in toy stores. Do you think that has changed in the last few recent years?HN:让我们换个话题。以前您对玩具店里的所谓“Pink Aisle”(粉色性别成见)现象意见很大。您的观点在这几年是否有所改变?LF: Maybe a little, but not much I don’t think. I’ve some other colors besides pink maybe come in to it, but you still see it.也许那么有一点,但还好吧。我并不认为我有太大改变。现在女孩产品中也许掺入了其他颜色,但你还是能看到粉色。You know I was actually at a toy company studio a couple weeks ago, and I looked around, and it still-. The stuff for girls you see is still either cutsie little baby stuff or the fashion dolls.你知道的,事实上,几个星期前我去了孩之宝公司的工作室,我环顾四周,你能看到的女孩的玩具仍然除了粉嫩的婴幼产品就是时装玩偶。You know, “fashion, fashion, fashion”. I was looking at a line of dolls they had created, that hadn’t done as well as they’d thought.你知道的,“时尚,时尚,无脑堆时尚”。我看了他们生产出来的一系列玩偶,我觉得他们做得并没有他们设计得那么完美。They were really cool designs, but there were six girls and I couldn’t tell the difference between any of them.虽然那些娃娃的人设很出彩,但我从玩具上却看不出那六个女孩有什么不同。They were all “this is the one who wears a hat” and “this is the one who has shiny shoes”, and “this is the blonde one, and this is the one with orange hair”.她们在别人看来就是“这是戴帽子的那个”,“这是穿着亮片鞋子的那个”,“这个有白皙的皮肤而那个有一头橙发。”There was nothing more to it than that. I would love to be able to look at a girls’ toy and say, look at her clothes, look at her hair and go “oh, I know something about her, I can take a guess about her personality”, and that’s not something you see in girls’ toys enough.除此之外就没了。我更希望我看了一个玩偶,看了她的衣服,看了她的头发以后能够说:“噢,我觉得我了解她,我能猜出她的个性。”你在女孩子的玩具里很难看到这些。Pink, purple, and turquoise. Fushia. This horrible combination. It’s like, every girl toy is this horrible combination of colors and it drives me bonkers. For me, pink has become symbolic of the limitations placed on girls and women.粉色,紫色,青绿和桃红,这种组合实在太糟糕了。但好像所有的女孩玩具都是这种可怕的色彩组合,这真让我抓狂。对我来说,粉色已经成为了强加在女性身上的偏见。There’s this whole world of colors – You only get pink! You don’t get any other color, you only get pink.这个世界充满色彩,而你只选粉色!其它的颜色你都不用,而偏偏只用粉色!You can’t use a pen unless it’s pink, and you can’t ride a bike unless its pink. It’s become symbolic of that for me, and I hate it now.要是钢笔不是粉色的,难道你就不用钢笔了?如果自行车不是粉色的,你就不骑车了?对我来说,这就象征着颜色的性别偏见,而我痛恨这一观念。HN: It’s true, it’s something I see in my little half-sister, I think she’s nine now, and she grew out of ponies before I did –NH:确实,我从小我一半的妹妹身上也能感受到。她大概才九岁,却先我一步离开了小马的怀抱。LF: That’s awesome!劳伦:可以,这很赞!HN: Yeah well she’s also really pissed sometimes because “I don’t want the pink one, I want the black one!”, but that’s “not a shirt for girls!”没错。然而有时她也会因这种偏见而怄气:“我不想要那件粉色的,我要那件黑的!”但“那并不是给女孩穿的衬衫!”LF: Yeah I can say the same thing happened to me! I was little, and pink was my favorite color, and I liked princesses, and after spending a whole childhood being told that was dumb and stupid, and worthless, I switched over, and I wanted to be dark, and I stopped wearing skirts, and I only wore pants. Then I hit my 20’s and I went “No that’s not…I loved that stuff and I want it back.”劳伦:对,我能说我身上也发生过同样的事!当我还是小女孩的时候,我最喜欢的颜色是粉色,也有着一个公主梦。但在我的整个童年中,我一直都在被灌输“那种东西愚蠢无聊、毫无价值”这样的观点。于是我开始改变,想要走黑暗风,我再也不穿裙子了,而只穿长裤。然而一过20岁,我的观点再次改变:“慢着,有什么不对劲……我喜欢以前的感觉,我要把它找回来。”HN: Once again, something completely different. You work on the side for the wildlife foundation, how did that come about?问一个题外话吧,您也为野生动物基金会工作,能具体为我们讲讲嘛?LF: The Wildlife Learning Center! It’s kind an interesting story, because I have a very good friend named Tammy who I worked with for a very long time at Cartoon Network, and she and I, we’re like, animal dorks together.野生动物学习中心!这是一个很有意思的故事,因为我在卡通频道有个叫塔米的朋友,我们一起工作过很久,而且我们就像一对疯狂动物迷。She’s the only person, who I can talk to about my dogs for three hours straight, who’s actually interested, and vice-versa. And she just called me up one day and said “Hey, a friend of mine told me about a fundraiser at a zoo, and if you give them a dollar they’ll let you pet a fennec fox!” And I went “YES! I am all over that!”她是唯一一位能听我讲我的狗整整三个小时,并真正对其感兴趣的人,我也能听她这么聊。她有一天对我说:“嘿,我一个朋友告诉我在动物园有一个资金筹集活动,并且如果你给他们一美元,他们就会允许你养一只非洲小狐!”然后我说:“好!!!我马上参加!”And we went there, for the fundraiser, and we pet a fennec fox, and we held an owl, and we fed a porcupine, and we saw a sloth, and we held some snakes, and it was really fun.之后我们到了资金筹集活动现场,领养了一只非洲小狐,摸了猫头鹰,喂了箭猪,见到一只树懒还调戏了一些蛇,这非常有趣。My friend Tammy went on to volunteer for that place, and a little while later – a couple years later – I started volunteering there.我朋友塔米去那儿当了志愿者,不久之后——也就是几年后——我也去那里做志愿了。When I was volunteering there, exactly while I was working on My Little Pony, I’d go there one day every other weekend. I was just cleaning out chinchilla cages, like, I wasn’t doing anything glamorous or interesting, but that was relaxing and it made me happy.我在那做志愿者时,正是《我的小马驹》制作的那段时间,所以我只能每隔一个周末去一次。起初我只是扫扫南美栗鼠的笼子,并不是什么重要的工作,但这些工作很放松,我很开心。You get to pick up the chinchilla before you clean the cage, and then you’re holding a chinchilla! But as time went on, whenever they would have fundraisers, some of us would share it on social media, and all of a sudden, bronies were giving money to the Wildlife Learning Center, and they noticed.在清理笼子前你要把栗鼠拿出来,这时你就握着一只真正的南美栗鼠!之后,不管他们有没有资金募集活动,志愿者之中都会有人在社交网络上分享这些事情,令人意外的是,马迷们主动捐款给了野生动物学习中心,然后中心的人发现了这一点。They asked me to be on the board of directors to help them raise money for the center – and I don’t always just go for bronies, we raise money other ways, but I’m just so proud that to this day, bronies have raised about $40,000 for the Wildlife Learning Center. And they’re always just making their budget, so it means so much. But it all just started because I wanted to pet a fennec fox!他们让我在董事会上帮助中心集资—-我并不只找马迷,我们也还有其他的筹资渠道。我对那一天非常自豪,马迷们筹集了大约4万美元给野生动物学习中心。而中心当时才刚刚做好筹资计划,所以这很有意义。一切的一切都只是因为我想养一只非洲小狐!HN: This is the question we HAVE to ask, do you still lurk 4chan, or any other inappropriate venue?这有个我们不得不问的问题,你是否还在4chan或其他不合适的地方潜水?LF: Inappropriate venue – certainly not as much as I used to, because…I just don’t lurk around as much as I used to anyway.不恰当的地点……当然没以前去的多了,因为……我只是没像以前那样喜欢乱逛了。I’ve just kind gone on and moved on to other things. I’ll pop onto 4chan every once in a while. It’s hard now to because everyone’s talking about the current show, and I don’t know anything about it.我也就随便看看,然后继续去做别的事情。我有时会上一下4chan。但现在却变得有些尴尬,因为所有人都在谈论最新的动画,而我对那些动画一无所知。There isn’t as much to pull me in, because I’m like “who’s that character? I don’t know who that is, and they’re doing that with that guy now?” and that. And I wish I could say that I did but I don’t so much anymore.现在已经很难再有能吸引我的话题了,因为我就像“那角色是谁?我不知道那是谁,他们跟那家伙一起了?”这样。我希望我能讨论些什么,但我却对此了解甚少。HN: Well, there still is /co/…啊,那里(4chan)仍然有动漫区LF: Yeah yeah, I go there sometimes actually. Craig and I will go there to see if anybody’s talking about Wander Over Yonder.嗯嗯,我的确有时到那里去。克雷格与我会去那看看人们是否在讨论《星际漫步》(一部动画,B站有资源)HN: On your Twitter, you sometimes post a witch and her little cat –你有一次在推特上发了一个女巫和她的小猫……LF: Yeah!对呀!A cat and a witch are fine too猫和女巫是很搭的一对儿。HN: Is that going to be something bigger?这指代什么大新闻吗?LF: Hopefully! I’m trying to make it carry into something bigger, but I don’t want to say yet, because I don’t want to jinx it.希望如此!我的确想弄出一个大新闻,但我不能说,我可不想毁了它。HN: Final question, if you had unlimited funds to do any project you wanted to do like a different IP or something new, what format would you choose and what would you do?HN’:最后一个问题,假如您有足够的资金来做任何想做的项目,就像一种与众不同的IP(此处IP指题材)或是一些新灵感,您会选择怎样的风格类型,又具体会怎么做呢?LF: Umm oh wow. I’m really excited about the idea of doing a series, an animated miniseries, for all ages, like we always do, maybe a little bit older so we can do edgier scarier stuff. I like the idea of Mini-series, because it has a finite ending, and you can explore or go off on tangents, a little bit more than if you’re making movies. When you’re making movies, it’s perfectly linear, and most animated TV shows have no trajectory, it’s kind the same thing every episode. That’s what I would want to do, but ya know, for girls -or, the characters are girls. Not for girls, for everybody. Main characters are girls, fantasy, adventure. That’s my dream.LF:嗯我想想…我对做一种系列产品的想法抱有很大的热情,一种为全年龄段设计的动画系列,就像我们一直秉持的设计理念一样,或许再成熟一点,我们就可以做些更前卫,更惊人的的东西。我很喜欢动画连续剧这种创意,因为它有总是有个标准结局,而且你也可以选择深入挖掘或是偏离原有的创意思路,这比制作电影要好得多。当你在制作电影时,所有的线索近乎完美地串成了一条线。大多数的动画剧集没有主线,每一集几乎都是同样的套路。那就是我打算做的系列,但你清楚,要么面向小女孩或比较女孩子气的人,要么不仅仅面向小女孩,而是适合所有人观看。主角们都是女生,并且剧情奇异,冒险曲折,那就是我所梦寐以求的。HN: And that’s what enough people enjoy.HN:同时也是大部分人所喜爱的。LF: Yeah It’s my favorite stuff, and I do think that enough people who like it too. But if I had unlimited funds, then it doesn’t matter if people like it! I can just make it and entertain myself!LF:是的,这样的设计是我最喜欢的,而且我坚信大多数人也喜欢。要是我真的能有资金的话,那么一切都不在话下了!我能在搞定一切的同时给自己带来快乐!HN: Well thank you very much!HN:好的,非常感谢!LF: Thank you!LF:谢谢!
