

英文名:Anthony Quinn
详细介绍:安东尼·奎恩(Anthony Quinn,1915年4月21日—2001年6月3日),生于墨西哥奇瓦......>>>查看安东尼·奎恩详细资料


《Sex at 24 Frames Per Second 》(2003) ...Himself (interviewee)《Anthony Quinn and Kirk Douglas 》(2003) ...Himself (archive footage)《Making 'Avenging Angelo' 》(2003) ...Himself (archive footage)《The Making of 'Lawrence of Arabia' 》 (2003) ...Himself (archive footage)《绝地狂龙 Avenging Angelo 》 (2002) ...Angelo Allieghieri《第74届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼》 (2002) ...Himself (Memorial Tribute) (arc安东尼·奎恩hive footage)《8th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards 》 (2002) ...Himself (archive footage)《The Magic of Fellini 》 (2002) ...Himself (archive footage)《The Bronze Screen: 100 Years of the Latino Image in American Cinema 》 (2002) ...Himself (archive footage)《Dino De Laurentiis: The Last Movie Mogul 》 (2001) ...Himself《The Making of 'Lawrence of Arabia' 》 (2000) ...Himself《Oriundi 》 (1999) ...producer《Oriundi 》 (1999) ...Giuseppe Padovani《"Camino de Santiago" 》 (1999) ...Félix Foulé《Tierra de cañones 》 (1999) ...Sr. de Sicart《From Russia to Hollywood: The 100-Year Odyssey of Chekhov and Shdanoff 》 (1999) ...Himself《A&E Biography: Sophia Loren - Actress Italian Style 》 (1999) ...Himself《魔鬼教父》(1996) ...Neil Dellacroce《云中漫步 Walk in the Clouds, A 》 (1995) ...Don Pedro Aragón《Hercules and the Amazon Women 》 (1994) ...Zeus《致命对决 Hercules in the Maze of the Minotaur 》 (1994) ...Zeus《Somebody to Love 》 (1994) ...Emillio《This Can't Be Love 》(1994) ...Michael Reyman《Hercules in the Underworld 》 (1994) ...Zeus《大力士:亚马逊女人/迷失的王国 Hercules and the Lost Kingdom 》 (1994) ...Zeus《力挽狂澜 Hercules and the Circle of Fire 》 (1994) ...Zeus《最后的动作英雄/幻影英雄》(1993) ...Tony Vivaldi《四海一家 Mobsters 》 (1991) ...Don Giuseppe 'Joe the Boss' Masseria《男大当婚 Only the Lonely 》 (1991) ...Nick安东尼·奎恩《丛林热 Jungle Fever 》 (1991) ...Lou Carbone《Old Man and the Sea, The 》 (1990) ...Santiago《Revenge 》 (1990) ...Tiburon 'Tibby' Mendez《做鬼也风流 》 (1990) ...Scott《Onassis: The Richest Man in the World 》 (1988) ...Socrates Onassis《"Isola del tesoro, L'" 》 (1987) ...Long John Silver《High Risk 》 (1981) ...Mariano《至尊牌 Salamander, The 》 (1981) ...Bruno Manzini《大地雄狮 Lion of the Desert 》 (1980) ...Omar Mukhtar《魔鬼关卡 Passage, The 》(1979) ...The Basque《希腊大亨 Greek Tycoon, The 》 (1978) ...Theo Tomasis《Jesus of Nazareth》 (1977) ...Caiaphas《英雄泪 Target of an Assassin 》 (1976) ...Ernest Hobday《上帝的使者 Message, The 》 (1976) ...Hamza《Bluff storia di truffe e di imbroglioni 》 (1976) ...Philip Bang《遗产 Eredità Ferramonti,L' 》 (1976) ...Gregorio Ferramonti《Destructors,The 》 (1974) ...Steve Ventura《枭雄敌手》 (1973) ...Don Angelo《血洒一一0街 Across 110th Street 》 (1972) ...Capt. Mattelli《血洒一一0街 Across 110th Street 》 (1972) ...executive producer《春雨行 Walk in the Spring Rain 》 (1970) ...Will Cade《Secret of Santa Vittoria,The 》 (1969) ...Italo Bombolini《亲情 Dream of Kings, A 》 (1969) ...Matsoukas《双虎将大追踪 》(1968) ...Leon Alastray《风云英杰 Shoes of the Fisherman, The 》 (1968) ...Kiril Lakota《Magus, The 》 (1968) ...Maurice Conchis《迈阿密传奇 Happening, The 》 (1967) ...Roc Delmonico《逃亡二十五小时 Vingt-cinquième heure, La 》 (1967) ...Johann Moritz《野战雄师 Lost Command 》(1966) ...Lt. Col. Pierre Raspeguy安东尼·奎恩《High Wind in Jamaica,A 》 (1965) ...Captain Chavez《希腊人左巴 Alexis Zorbas 》 (1964) ...Alexis Zorba《希腊人左巴 Alexis Zorbas 》 (1964) ...associate producer《十面埋伏擒蛟龙 Behold a Pale Horse 》 (1964) ...Vinolas《贵妇怨 Visit,The 》 (1964) ...Serge Miller《贵妇怨 Visit,The 》(1964) ...producer《Requiem for a Heavyweight 》 (1962) ...Louis 'Mountain' Rivera《巴拉巴 Barabbas 》 (1962) ...Barabbas《阿拉伯的劳伦斯 Lawrence of Arabia 》 (1962) ...Auda abu Tayi《纳瓦隆大炮 Guns of Navarone, The 》 (1961) ...Col. Andrea Stavros《Heller in Pink Tights 》(1960) ...Tom Healy《Portrait in Black 》 (1960) ...Dr. David Rivera《雪海冰上人 Savage Innocents, The 》 (1959) ...Inuk《岗山最后列车 Last Train from Gun Hill 》 (1959) ...Craig Belden《Warlock 》(1959) ...Tom Morgan《Black Orchid, The 》 (1958) ...Frank Valente《Buccaneer, The 》 (1958) ...《龙虎榜英雄》(1957) ...Bob Kallen《 River's Edge, The 》(1957) ...Ben Cameron《孽海狂涛 Wild Is the Wind 》 (1957) ...Gino《巴黎圣母院 Notre Dame de Paris 》 (1956) ...Quasimodo《梵谷传 Lust for Life 》 (1956) ...Paul Gauguin《Ulisse 》 (1955) ...Antinoos《征服者 Attila 》(1954) ...Attila《铁臂煞星 Long Wait, The 》 (1954) ...Johnny McBride《大路 Strada, La 》 (1954) ...Zampanò《Ride, Vaquero! 》 (1953) ...Jose Esqueda《City Beneath the Sea 》 (1953) ...Tony Bartlett《狂风飞絮 Blowing Wild 》(1953) ...Ward 'Paco' Conway《海宫艳盗 Against All Flags 》 (1952) ...Capt. Roc Brasiliano《 World in His Arms, The 》 (1952) ...Portugee《萨巴达传 Viva Zapata! 》(1952) ...Eufemio《斗牛壮士 Brave Bulls, The 》 (1951) ...Raul Fuentes《"Schlitz Playhouse of Stars" 》 (1951) ...Host / ... (3 episodes, 1951-1955)安东尼·奎恩《Tycoon 》 (1947) ...Ricky Vegas《海宫宝盒》 (1947) ...Emir《California 》 (1947) ...Don Luis Rivera y Hernandez《反攻班丹岛 Back to Bataan 》 (1945) ...Capt. Andres Bonifacio《Buffalo Bill 》 (1944) ...Yellow Hand (Cheyenne war chief)《南太平洋大捷,孤岛浴血战》(1943) ...Pvt. Jesus 'Soose' Alvarez《龙城风云 Ox-Bow Incident, The 》 (1943) ...Juan Martinez/Francisco Morez《Larceny,Inc. 》 (1942) ...Leo Dexter《摩洛哥之路 Road to Morocco 》 (1942) ...Mullay Kassim《黑天鹅 Black Swan, The 》(1942) ...Wogan《马革裹尸还 They Died with Their Boots On 》 (1942) ...Crazy Horse《碧血黄沙 Blood and Sand 》 (1941) ...Manola de Palma《Ghost Breakers, The 》 (1940) ...Ramon/Francisco Mederos《光荣之都 City for Conquest 》(1940) ...Murray Burns《新加坡之路 Road to Singapore 》 (1940) ...Caesar《Union Pacific 》(1939) ...Jack Cordray (Campeau henchman)《新水浒 Buccaneer, The 》(1938) ...Beluche《威基基婚礼 Waikiki Wedding 》 (1937) ...Kimo《乱世英杰》 (1937) ...A Cheyenne Indian《Milky Way, The 》 (1936) ...Extra (uncredited)
