June Kyoto Lu

June Kyoto Lu

中文名:June Kyoto Lu
英文名:June Kyoto Lu
代表作品:The Ones、水中女妖
详细介绍:June Kyoto Lu是一名演员,主要作品是《Sixth Street Bridge》、《The......>>>查看June Kyoto Lu详细资料

June Kyoto Lu出演电影

The Ones (2009)Make Yourself at Home (2008)水中女妖/水中精灵/水妖/红颜祸水 Lady in the Water (2006)Sixth Street Bridge (2006)18 Fingers of Death! (2006)McBride: The Chameleon Murder (2005)迷失/迷 "Lost" (2004)血腥工作 Blood Work (2002)踏出中国城 Now Chinatown (2000)Luminarias (2000)The Water Ghost (1998)Cherokee Kid, The (1996)威胁 2: 社会 Menace II Society (1993)侠胆雄狮 "Beauty and the Beast" (1987)妖魔大闹唐人街 Big Trouble in Little China (1986)Special Bulletin (1983)风流医生俏护士 "M*A*S*H" (1972)
