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详细介绍:Big Time Rush是一个正在成长的欧美乐队。因在尼克频道(Nickelodeon)剧集《Bi......>>>查看与梦随行详细资料


Kendall Knight (Kendall Schmidt) - Kendall是乐队的发起人同时也是乐队的主唱。根据Kelly所言 (Gustavo的私人助理), Kendall身材高挑, 头发以及眉头都是金黄色的。他现年16岁。 Gustavo在选秀中选中Kendall作为"Big Time Audition"的歌手, 但是kendall要求Gustavo让james、carlos和logan也加入并与他组成一个乐队。他被要求作为乐队中的酷男孩,但是他拒绝了。他的妹妹是Katie Knight,她偶尔会帮助她的哥哥。例如当她发现jo说她已经有一个男友是在说谎时,就立刻将这个消息告诉了kendall,还帮助kendall约会了jo。某KJames Diamond (James Maslow) - james是乐队里最初就想加入一个男孩乐团的人。 他在外表上非常注重自己的发型,总是把他的幸运梳放在他的夹克衫里,而且随身携带他个人的照片。根据carlos的话,他经常约会不同的女孩,并且断言自己是乐队里最帅气的人。当mercedes griffin与乐队起其他男孩都有过交往却不搭理他时他很沮丧。他同样也有点在意有彩色斑点的大围巾,他经常建议其他人戴这种围巾。He also has a alter ego called Bandana Man which is him wrapped in several purple bandanas. (不解)某JCarlos Garcia (Carlos Pena Jr.) - carlos是乐队里的开心果,他总是喜欢戴上他的曲棍球头盔。他的父亲是一个工作认真且已经参加过9次敏感性训练的警察。(敏感性训练是使我们更多地认识自己及自己对他人影响的一种技术。)他从未有过一个真正的女朋友(除了mercedes griffin——griffin的女儿,强迫他做她的男友。)他在被freight train(gustavo的新保镖)弄得神情恍惚的时候十分可爱。他看上去非常容易交朋友,无论何时他看到有人准备开始打架时都会建议想想“小猫的快乐理念”。某CLogan Mitchell (Logan Henderson) - Logan 是乐队里的天才,但是经常因为压力而惊慌。无论何时其他男孩要做一些坏事并且邀请他加入的时候,他总是说“我要去交一些新朋友。”,但是最后仍然加入他们。It is unsure if he knows about Camille's deep crush on him, but when she kissed him pretending it was for an audition for One Tree Hill, he said he was pleasantly surprised. It is implied that he is beginning to return her crush, Camille being quick to forgive him when he attempted to be with her and another girl at the same party. Remarking "you're really cool", the two shared a dance together. He has a learner's permit. He also always sees the downside to the other's schemes.某L?Katie Knight (Ciara Bravo)[6] - Katie is Kendall's little sister who is always shown to be a lot smarter than her mother. Katie is clever and tricky, which is a big help when getting involved in the boys' plans.Gustavo Rocque (Stephen Kramer Glickman) - Gustavo is a worldwide record producer who meets the boys in Minnesota and offers Kendall a chance to come to Las Angeles with him, and Kendall convinces him to bring the others too. He hasn't had a hit in nine years, and the boys are his ticket back on top. He is cliche mean and always has a frown on his face while the boys are performing, even when he likes the song. In the episode Big Time Crib, he states that "All talent, are dogs". Even so, when he tells them the song wasn't as good as he wanted it to be, they always manage to call his bluff. He admits to liking the boys after dealing with an absolutely perfect boyband that he hated because they were so perfect. When the boys were house-sitting he told them they liked them after they wrecked the house, had Kendall's mom clean it up but not fully, and Gustavo accidentally wrecks his own house. He calls them "monkey dogs." He also is seen to have serious anger issues and his blood pressure can sky rocket. An example is in Big Time Audition he breaks a tea cup to pieces and destroying a few things outside after Kendall rejecting his first offer and he also causes a 3.1 earthquake after being really annoyed with Kendall.[edit]Guest starsNicole Scherzinger as herself, who made a brief appearance in the middle of the pilot episode (1 episode)Dee Bradley Baker as Mr. Smitty, one of the boys' teachers at the School of Rocque (1 episode)Roz Witt as Mrs. Chisdak, another one of the boys' teachers at the School of Rocque (1 episode)Chris Masters as himself, another one of the boys' teachers at the School of Rocque (1 episode)Tara Strong as Miss Collins, the boys' current teacher at the Palm Woods school (1 episode)Matt Angel as Wayne Wayne/Wally Dooley, a mean bad boy who is actually a nerdy comedian who tries to kick Kendall out of the band (2 episodes)Daran Norris as Buddha Bob, the grounds keeper at the Palm Woods. Mrs. Knight thinks he is an axe/chainsaw maniac in "Big Time Bad Boy", but discovers that he is the grounds keeper at the end of the episode (3 episodes)Stephen Keys as Freight Train, Gustavo's personal helper who is strong enough to lift the boys all at once (3 episodes)Tiana Madry and Tiera Madry as the Simms Twins, two girls at the Palm Woods who the guys like (1 episode)Katelyn Tarver as Jo, the boys' love interest (3 episodes)Rachel DiPillo as another new girl at the Palm Woods who the guys fall for (1 episode)Lorenzo Lamas as Dr. Hollywood, a cowardly doctor at the Palm Woods (1 episode)Curt Hansen as Dak Zevon, a teen hunk whose autograph Katie and Mrs. Knight demand (1 episode)Carlos Alazraqui as Marcos, a photographer (1 episode)Erik Estrada as Officer Garcia, Carlos's father (1 episode)Parker Young as Travis, Jo's fake boyfriend (1 episode)--资料来自于维基百科
