Big opportunity!!




04/06 02:45



For me the big opportunity this Monday. Sheffield -0.75.

Sheffield bet heavily for this season, they invested a lot and dreamed of direct promotion (in the first two places). The start of the season was very bad, with 0 wins in the first 5 games and that complicated the dream. After that they started to recover and are currently fighting for a place in the playoffs. But the fight is very balanced and they can't waste any more points. Playing away they have some difficulties but it is the at home games that make them continue to dream of promotion. That's 4 wins in the last 5 games.

QPR started the season well, had a very good run and started dreaming about promotion despite not being one of the main favorites. This season they didn't invest much, the squad is short, the reserves don't keep the same quality as the starters. As the Championship is a very hard and long championship, they are feeling it. The team fell a lot in the last games and there are only 2 wins in the last 11 games. There are 4 losses in the last 5 away games. Also they are having problems for this game. C. Willock (35 games, 7 goals and 11 assists) one of the best if not the best player is out. He was directly involved in 33% of the team's goals. To make matters worse, the first goalkeeper (S. Dieng, 29 games) and the reserve (D. Marshall, 12 games) are out. To understand this problem they had to hire another goalkeeper, they hired K. Westwood who had already retired. He's signed a contract until the end of the season, but obviously he's out of rhythm. So he played the last 2 games, lost 2 and conceded 5 goals. One of them at home against Peterborough who are in last place.

Sheffield is technically stronger and is in a better moment. While they are in an upward phase the QPR is in a downward phase.



QPR赛季开局很好,有一个非常好的运行,并开始梦想升级,尽管不是主要的热门之一。这个赛季他们没有投入太多,阵容不足,预备队没有保持和首发一样的质量。因为总冠军是一个非常艰苦和漫长的冠军,他们感觉到了。这支球队在上一场比赛中失利很多,在过去的11场比赛中只有2场胜利。在最近的5场客场比赛中有4场失利。他们在这款游戏中也遇到了一些问题。C.威尔洛克(35场比赛,7个进球和11次助攻),即使不是最好的球员,也是最好的球员之一。他直接参与了球队33%的进球。更糟糕的是,第一门将(S. Dieng, 29场比赛)和替补门将(D. Marshall, 12场比赛)都没有出场。为了理解这个问题,他们不得不雇佣另一名守门员,他们雇佣了已经退休的K.韦斯特伍德。他的合同要到这个赛季结束,但显然他已经失去了节奏。所以他参加了最后两场比赛,输了2场,丢了5个球。其中一场是在主场对阵最后一名的彼得伯勒。

