A great derby on Italy today!




04/04 02:45



Big derby here.

Juventus has been the best Serie A team in the last few months. They are at the top of the table if we look at the last 5, 10, 15, 20 and even 25 games. Their last Serie A defeat has been in November against Atalanta. They are unbeaten in the last 16 league games.

Recently, Juventus has been paying so well. The signing of Vlahovic made to the team a big improvement in attack, while their confidence was huge. The defeat suffered in the UCL this week against Villarreal was hard for them, but today they have a great chance to react. They have the chance to be in the fight for the title, surprisingly (if we look at their start of the season). Their last Serie A games were won easily and convincingly.

For the lineup, coach Allegri has important defender Chiellini back and available, most probably we will see a 4-4-2 with Danilo and De Scigio on the wings to stop Dumfries and Perisic’s (Inter) attacks.

On the other hand, Inter has been the opposite of Juventus. Their start of the season was fantastic, in January they were leaders of the Serie A with a big advantage, qualified to UCL ⅛ finals, won the Supercoppa against Juventus thanks to a goal in the last minute of the Extra-Time from Alexis Sanchez… And after that, they started to go down.

They are in crisis now and with a mental block. As coach Inzaghi said, the last results are starting to affect the team psychologically. They have won just 1 of the last 7 Serie A games, winning just 7 of the last 21 points.

Most probably we will see a game here with Inter dominating the game and Juventus defending, trying to put them nerves. With only 8 rounds remaining to play, both teams will try to risk as little as possible. Even a draw won't be a bad result here, seeing how defensive Juventus is playing lately and the difficulties that Inter is having to score goals lately.

Juventus is in much better form, plays at home and wants revenge from the Supercoppa defeat. For me they are favorites, and I see enough reasons to think that they should be able to at least avoid a defeat here. Inter has won just 2 of the last 13 official games against Juventus. 1 of the last 15 in the Juventus’ stadium (1:3 in 2012).


在过去的几个月里,尤文图斯一直是意甲最好的球队。如果我们查看最近的 5、10、15、20 甚至 25 场比赛,他们在积分榜上名列前茅。他们上一次在联赛失利是在11月对阵亚特兰大。在过去的16场联赛中保持不败。


对于阵容,主教练阿莱格里有重要的后卫基耶利尼回归并可以出场,很可能会看到达尼洛和德西里奥在边路的 4-4-2 阵型,以阻止邓弗里斯和佩里西奇(国米)的进攻。

另一方面,国米一直是尤文图斯的死对头。他们的赛季开局非常棒,一月份他们以巨大优势成为意甲领头羊,晋级欧冠 ⅛决赛,凭借亚历克西斯·桑切斯在加时赛最后一分钟的进球赢得了对阵尤文图斯的超级杯……但之后他们开始下滑。

他们现在处于危机之中。正如主教练因扎吉所说,最后的结果开始影响球队的心理。他们在过去 7 场意甲比赛中只赢了 1 场,在过去的 21 场比赛中只拿了 7 分。

我们很可能会在这里看到国米主宰比赛,尤文图斯防守,试图让他们紧张。由于只剩下 8 轮比赛,两支球队都将尝试尽可能少地冒险。平局也不会是一个糟糕的结果,看看尤文图斯最近的防守如何,以及国际米兰最近的进攻表现。

尤文图斯的状态要好得多,他们在主场并希望从超级杯的失利中复仇。我们有足够的理由认为他们至少应该能够避免输球。国际米兰在最近13场对阵尤文图斯的正式比赛中只赢了2场。在尤文图斯主场最近 15 场比赛中只赢了 1 场(2012 年 1:3)。
