How they will play without him today?




04/03 04:00



I waited with this bet until last moment because I wanted to see the latest odds movements and the most possible line ups for today's match up.

Odds on guests started to slash down in last couple of hours on big Asian markets with the highest possible limits and I fully agree with this trend.

NYCFC are title defenders and they have very poor start of the season, but two weeks break should work in their favour. Today they coming to Toronto with very strong line up (all key players are available) and with big motivation to bounce back on good track.

On the other hand Toronto today will play without their three key players: defender Chung and two offensive players Marshall-Rutty and best scorer Osorio. It's huge blow for the team and should have very bad impact on their performance today.

Guests won two of last 3 matches here and they are able to make another win today.
