Wirtz, Frimpong out... too much!




03/21 00:30



A season for Leverkusen is practically finished. Last week against Koln in a regional derby both key players of the team Frimpong and Wirtz were injured very early in the match and will be out for months with hard injuries. 3 of the 4 players who keep the clockwork moving and who are responsible for Leverkusen playing as well as they did are now out of the contention. That’s the reason why they are now out of the Europa League and that’s the reason why they probably won’t qualify for the Champions League next season. There is no many players who can take the responsibility on the pitch now, Diaby will score and assist goals now? He is a winger and needs creative attacking midfielder #10 Wirtz to help him and of course, to the other players. The impact of Frimpong with his pace on the right side is simply irreplaceable! Therefore, Leverkusen has lost their last three succesive games, two against Atalanta in Europa Leageu and versus Koln in Bundesliga. Wolfsburg situation is totally the opposite with team news as long term injured players like Schlager and Nmecha are back to the squad and this will boost the side additionally. It wasn't the great season for Wolfsburg so far, as they sit just on 12th place and they still need to think about survival in Bundesliga - with five points above Hertha Berlin who is the first team in danger zone at the moment. But today is a fantastic moment to bounce back with a good result for Wolfsburg, as the team from the city of Volkswagen lost previous match in Freiburg with an late goal scored by the home team. Right today, VfL team will hunt the victory in front of home fans against the rival they usually do well in the recent period. Wolfsburg is undefeated in last four previous fixtures versus Leverkusen, winning three times in the direct clash. It will be ultimately hard for Leverkusen here with the mentioned missings, with the recent poor form and with the recent tradition in a duels versus Wolfsburg. Also, home team is without midweek matches and had more time to rest and prepare the game today, what is surely another good information to complete the decision. Take HHDA 1 on Wolfsburg.

Prediction: Wolfsburg win and over 2.5 goals

勒沃库森的赛季几乎结束了。上周在德比对阵科隆的比赛中,弗林蓬和维尔茨两名关键球员在比赛中受伤了,他们将因重伤缺阵数月。勒沃库森现在已经退出前四名的竞争。这就是他们现在欧联杯的原因,也是他们可能无法获得下赛季欧冠资格的原因。现在能在场上担起责任的球员已经不多了,迪亚比现在会进球助攻吗?他是一名边锋,需要富有创造力的攻击型中场#10 Wirtz 来帮助他,当然也需要其他球员的帮助。弗林蓬在右侧所带来的影响简直是不可替代的!因此,勒沃库森最近三场连续输球,两场欧联杯对阵亚特兰大,德甲对阵科隆。沃尔夫斯堡的情况完全是与球队消息相反,像施拉格和恩梅查这样长期受伤的球员重返球队,这将提振球队士气。到目前为止,对于沃尔夫斯堡来说,这并不是一个出色的赛季,因为他们只排在第 12 位,而且他们仍然需要考虑在德甲联赛中的保级——领先柏林赫塔 5 分,后者是目前处于危险区域的球队。今天对于沃尔夫斯堡来说是一个很好的反弹时刻,因为在弗莱堡的比赛中输掉了上一场比赛,他们将在主场球迷面前争夺胜利。沃尔夫斯堡在最近四场对阵勒沃库森的比赛中保持不败,在直接交锋中赢得了三场胜利。对于勒沃库森来说,由于球队的情况、最近的糟糕状态以及最近与沃尔夫斯堡交手记录,最终将很里赢球。此外,主队没有周中的比赛,今天有更多的时间休息和准备比赛,这是另一个很好的信息。

