22/15 - Lets BOUNCE Back With A WIN Here

KD Shark



03/19 04:15



Vizela vs FC Famalicao

Vizela early in the season was having nice results and were a great surprise in the Portuguese League but lately we are seeing the problems that this team has in this competition because now they aren't a surprise team anymore and they have struggle to win points even they still have a nice 4 point lead over Tondela for the relegation zone. One thing that I like in Vizela is they don't play football afraid from anyone, they attack and try to play positive football but sometimes that hurts this team and right now they are 5 games without a win, 3 losses and 2 draws but they should come here with nice confident since they got an amazing draw on the road against Benfica even that game was against 10 players of Benfica since the 8th minute and also they got a bit of luck to not lose that game, however, it was a very important point for them for the relegation battle. For this game Vizela are without Fernandes and Guzzo.

Famalicao is in a different scenario than Vizela, Famalicao had an awful season start and things were looking really bad what was kinda strange because Famalicao has a really nice team but in their last 5 games they had 3 wins in a row against Moreirense, Maritimo and Tondela what has gave them a nice advantage to survive in the league and in their last two games they had an unlucky loss on the road against Guimaraes by 1:2 and a 0:0 draw at home against a strong Santa Clara team, so they got 10 points out of 15 points in their last 5 games what has put them in good spirit and with great confidence, I think that the Coaching change was good to them, you can see it by their results even I do consider that there old Coach was a good one but he never could unite this team has an collective football team. For this game Famalicao are without Figueiras, Jaime and I.Rodrigues.

This is a huge game for both teams, a win here can put any of this team pratically safe to maintain their team in the league but I must give the edge to Famalicao here, they are right now playing their best football of the season and Vizela has not looked the same team from early in the season, missing two key players hasn't help this team either because Vizela is a very short team in term of quality players and losing two key players due injury has really hurt them. Both teams play positive football and attacking football what is a match-up who in my opinion will benefit Famalicao strenght here too, overall I don't see Famalicao losing here, I wouldn't be surprised to see this game end up in a draw too and that's why I like Famalicao to win or draw in this game, I see this game ending in a 1:1 or 2:1 win for Famalicao.

Good Luck

维兹拉在赛季初取得了不错的成绩,在葡萄牙联赛中令人惊讶,但最近我们看到了这支球队在这场比赛中的问题,他们不再是一支令人惊讶的球队,他们甚至很难赢得积分,尽管他们仍然领先通德拉 4 分。我喜欢维泽拉的一点是他们不会害怕任何人踢足球,他们会进攻并试图踢出积极的足球,但有时这会伤害这支球队,现在他们已经 5 场比赛没有获胜、取得3 场失利和 2 场平局,但他们应该带着很大的信心来到这里,因为他们在对阵本菲卡的比赛中取得了惊人的平局,即使那场比赛从第 8 分钟开始就对阵本菲卡就以10 名球员作战,而且他们没有输掉那场比赛也有一些运气,然而这是一场很重要的保级关键战。本场比赛维兹拉缺少了费尔南德斯和古佐。

法马利康的情况与维兹拉不同,他们有一个糟糕的赛季开局,情况看起来非常糟糕,这有点奇怪,因为法马利考是一支非常出色的球队,但在过去的 5 场比赛中,他们连续 3 场战胜了莫雷伦斯、马里蒂莫和通德拉,这给了他们一个很好的优势。过去的两场联赛中,他们在客场以 1:2 输给了吉马良斯,并在主场以 0:0 战平了强大的圣克拉拉队,因此他们在过去 5 场比赛中得到 15 分中的 10 分。精神焕发,充满信心,我认为换帅对他们有好处,可以从他们的成绩中看出这一点,即使我认为前教练是个好人,但他无法团结这支球队。本场比赛法马利考缺少了菲盖拉斯、詹姆和 I.Rodrigues。

这对两支球队来说都是一场重要的比赛,胜利可以让任何一支球队几乎安全地留在葡超中,但我认为法马利康更占上风,他们现在拿出了本赛季最好的状态,而维兹拉从赛季初看起来就不是同一支球队了,缺少两名关键球员也对这支球队没有帮助,因为维兹拉在球员实力方面是一支非常弱的球队,失去了两名关键球员球员确实影响到了他们。两支球队都踢攻势足球,我认为这对法马利考也有好处,这也是为什么我预测法马利考在这场比赛中获胜或至少打平平局的原因,比分参加1:1 或 2:1 ,法马利康获胜。

