17/13 - Lets GET Another WIN Here 英超精选

KD Shark



03/12 20:30



Brighton Hove Albion vs Liverpool

Brighton is very safe from relegation battle because of their amazing start to the season but lately the team is looking flat on the pitch, lack of intensity and with that came 4 losses in a row against Manchester United, Burnley, Aston Villa and Newcastle. Not only they lost all those 4 games, they only managed to score 1 goal and in all of those games they suffered 2 or more goals against, their defensive side was the reason why they were having success early in the season but now their defense is not looking that good, that includes their home games, they lost 0:3 at home against a weak Burnley team and 0:2 vs Aston Villa and now they will receive the best attack in the league at home, so trouble is expecting here for them once again. One of Brighton's big problems all season long has been their attack, they are the 3rd worst attack in the league what has been always there issue, last season the problem was the same and this season ain't different. For this game Brighton are without Webster and Sarmiento.

Liverpool early in the season looked like they would not fight for the title, they were far behind Manchester City but right now everything is still possible, they are in 2nd place and 6 points behind Manchester City but have played less one game and the reason why they are in the fight once again is because they won 7 games in row in the Premier League with 19:2 in goals in those games. Even Liverpool misses a lot of chances they still are the best attack in the league with 71 goals in 27 games what is impressive and also they have the 2nd best defense in the league too, overall this Liverpool team looks like the team from 2 years ago, playing high pace and amazing football. After a lots of wins in a row Liverpool finally tasted a loss, they lost 0:1 against Inter Milan for the Champions League and overall played bad, I think they were over confident because of the 2:0 lead that they had from the 1st leg but I think that the loss will help them to be once again focus and not taking this game easily. For this game Liverpool are without Konate and Firmino.

Brighton in the last 3 games has been Liverpool's nightmare, last season Brighton played an 1:1 draw at home and beat Liverpool on the road by 1:0 and this season at Liverpool the game ended in a 2:2 so I expect Liverpool to come out here with some revenge in their minds to beat this time Brighton. Overall Liverpool is the much better team but right now Brighton is playing there worst football of the season, they aren't scoring goals and their defense is suffering a lot and on the other side Liverpool is right now in an amazing shape and playing their best football, yes, the game against Inter Milan was kinda poor but I believe that was because of over confidence from the result in the 1st leg but in this case I think that the loss will favour them to take this game serious and also they know they haven't beat this team in their last 3 games but I really believe that this time they will, I see Liverpool winning here by 2:0 or 2:1 and take the very important 3 points and put pressure on Manchester City.

Good Luck




