English Premier League action! 英超 南安普敦VS纽卡斯尔




03/11 03:30



Newcastle has been going up each week lately. The huge investment in the winter transfer window has worked out pretty well. They have not lost a single game in Premier League this year. Lately they won teams like Brighton, Brentford and Everton. We have to admit that Newcastle last year and this year are two totally opposite teams and it would be not serious to talk about last year results. So I would like to touch only about their performance this year. They have conceded only 5 goals this year in Premier League, their defense and their game organization is definitely their biggest strength.

I also like the fact how Newcastle is building their team. It's not like a lot new teams where rich guys buy them and just then add huge names on the team, they are building team very disciplined form the defence. They have added good players on their middlefield and defence, some of them are even young players who will rise together with team but I have that feeleing that we will see this team in 2-3 years as one of the top teams.

I have to admit that also Southampton is playing very good this season but last match opened some doubts for me. Even they had the ball possession against Aston Villa, they lost 4-0. They looked very disorganized and could not find their way for good chances in offensive line. They had just one shot on goal. They still miss Lyanco and McCarthy who are injured for a quite a long time already. The current squad needs some freshness. If they continue to play like they played against Aston Villa, I dont see them winning this match. It will be extremely hard to score against Newcastle. One more thing, for such a teams as Southampton it is very important to have an early goal so they can keep playing in their style. I think they will not manage it today and it will put just useless pressure on the team.

Odds are down since opening (opening was 2.20 on this selection in december), but went more down around week ago. So we will follow again too that, but of course it's not the reason why I am taking it tonight.




我必须承认南安普敦这个赛季也打得很好,但是上一场比赛给我带来了一些疑问。即使他们在对阿斯顿维拉的比赛中控球,他们还是以0 - 4输了。他们看起来组织混乱,在进攻线上找不到好机会。他们只有一次射正球门。他们仍然想念已经受伤很长一段时间的里昂科和麦卡锡。现在的球队需要一些新鲜的东西。如果他们继续像对阵阿斯顿维拉时那样打,我不认为他们会赢得这场比赛。在对纽卡斯尔的比赛中,我们很难进球。还有一件事,对于像南安普敦这样的球队来说,尽早进球是非常重要的,这样他们才能保持他们的风格。我认为他们今天无法做到这一点,这只会给球队带来无用的压力。

