Lets go wild! 意甲精选 AC米兰vs亚特兰大




01/24 01:00



AC Milan are 10 points ahead of Atalanta in the actual table, but the xG-data suggests that Atalanta should be a couple of points ahead! In a bigger picture the top-6 teams in Serie A have so far given almost identical performances, AC Milan have been the luckiest of them all, but now the injuries must have a big effect.

There is almost 0 home advantage at San Siro as there is no public, and Atalanta have also used the stadion as their home in European games.

The perfomance level of AC Milan has been steady and high despite a huge number of injuries, or has it? Let us take a look:




Last 7 AC Milan results and xG

They have also been lucky to face the bottom teams recently as the squad has been ridden with about 10 injuries, and last time vs Cagliari the only difference between the teams was Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Otherwise the performance was more like a relegation candidate.

AC Milan miss today: Romagnoli, Saelemaekers, Gabbia, Rebic, Krunic, Bennacer, Calhanoglu, Hernandez, Kjaer

That is a lot of defensive strenght and most of the midfield gone, and the bench is practically empty.

Atalanta were in excellent form before the games vs bottom-half teams Genoa and Udinese, where they settled to two draws.




As the xG-numbers show they still should had won both games, although the match vs Udinese was a horrible game itself and very poor PR for Serie A. It almost looked like Atalanta did not even try to score, and all in all it was aggressive and disgusting time-wasting game from Udinese's side. It was a rescheduled game, and as Atalanta see their main opponent this week AC Milan there was some kind of let go feeling which is not going to be repeated on Saturday.

The AC Milan team is now so much weakened that there is not really any point to compare their best performances for this one as it is practically a different team, and the only thing that speak for their favour is that they did not play midweek. Last times these two have met AC Milan have won once, Atalanta have thrashed Milan 5-0 and 0-2 and there is no reason why it would happen again.

The only likely absentee at Atalanta is Pasalic, not a key figure at all. Zapata, Ilicic, Gosens and Freuler played only little vs Udinese at least those are fully fresh.




What if I say 1-4? Agree?

