6th win in a row? IMPORTANT GAME 西甲阿拉维斯VS塞维利亚




03/05 04:00



This season of Spanish La Liga is totally untypical as we have no Atletico Madrid and Barcelona amongst the top 3 teams at the current moment. Real Madrid is on top, with 6 points advantage to second-placed Sevilla, while the gap between Sevilla and third-placed Betis, their arch-rivals, is now 8 points after the recent mutual clash between those two when Sevilla triumphed 2-1 on home soil.

Yes, Sevilla is strong this season as we can see, they are still in the race for league title and trophy in Europa League. With only 2 defeats in 26 matches, the best defense of the whole league travels to Alaves in order to get 3 points. The pressure is on Sevilla as they have a Friday game, while leaders Real Madrid have the game the next day. So, the team of Lopategui must win to keep the race alive, they cannot allow the luxury of draws anymore. Sevilla have to go for a win here.

Deportivo Alaves are the side from relegation places, just a position above the bottom-placed Levante. The weakest attack in the whole league scored 21 goals so far and it's the main reason why they have 15 losses in 26 matches. Despite coaching change at the start of the calendar year, nothing drastically changed in Alaves: the new coach won only once in 8 matches in La Liga. It was the win on February 13 against Valencia at home. The best player and scorer in that game was Mamadou Loum, but for this clash against Sevilla, he is unavailable due to cards suspension. This will surely hit the chances of hosts to make a good result in this fixture. They already miss more impulse in the attack. Not to forget, Alaves lost in the last 2 mutual games vs Sevilla in this stadium (2021 and 2019).

Sevilla are indeed winless in 3 last away games but are also undefeated on travels since November's visit to Santiago Bernabeu. However, Sevilla have been better than opponents in almost every mentioned traveling game recently, having more shots and possession, so it's logical to expect them to prevail here, against the second-worst team in the league. It's about so waited league title, and with the ambition and togetherness that Sevilla builds for years, I believe they can stay competitive with Real Madrid in the next period. Sure, fair to say that Real Madrid and Ancelotti will hardly drop the lead in the remaining 12 matches. But until hope exists, the team from Andalusia will not give up. Therefore, we have a good odds here, valuable odds and I feel good about taking this shot. Predicting 2-1 / 2-0 away win.

这个赛季的西甲联赛不寻常,因为我们目前没有马德里竞技和巴塞罗那进入前三名。皇家马德里位居榜首,领先第二名塞维利亚 6 分,而塞维利亚和第三名贝蒂斯之间的差距现在是 8 分,此前塞维利亚主场以 2-1 取胜


阿拉维斯是降级的热门,仅比排名垫底的莱万特高出一个位置。进攻是联赛最差的,到目前为止打进了21球,这也是他们26场比赛输了15场的主要原因。尽管年初换了教练,但阿拉维斯并没有发生太大的变化:新教练在西甲的 8 场比赛中只赢了一次。这是2月13日主场对阵瓦伦西亚的胜利。在那场比赛中最好的球员和得分手是马马杜·卢姆,但在与塞维利亚的比赛中,由于停赛,他无法上场。这肯定会打击主队在这场比赛中取得好成绩的机会。不要忘记,阿拉维斯在这个体育场(2021 年和 2019 年)最近两场对阵塞维利亚的比赛中都输了。

塞维利亚在最近的 3 个客场比赛中确实没有获胜,但自 11 月客场踢伯纳乌以来,塞维利亚在客场比赛中也保持不败。然而,塞维利亚在最近几乎所有提到的客场比赛中都比对手好,射门和控球更多,所以期待他们获胜是合乎逻辑的。这是关于联赛冠军的等待,以及塞维利亚多年来建立的雄心和团结,我相信他们可以在下一个时期与皇家马德里保持竞争力。当然,公平地说,皇马和安切洛蒂在剩下的 12 场比赛中几乎不会丢掉领先优势。但在希望存在之前,来自安达卢西亚的球队不会放弃。因此,我们在这里有一个很好的赔率,很有价值的赔率,我对这次投篮感觉很好。预测 2-1 / 2-0 客场获胜。
