Is title race over? 榜首大战已经结束?




02/13 22:00



Although he said in the media that the fight for the title is over, I don't think Klopp really means that. Liverpool has played a long time without the two best players, Salah and Mane were at AFCON and today against Burnley for the first time this season Liverpool will have the whole team at their disposal. Man City has 12 points more than Liverpool, but also two games more, so if Liverpool wins in the next 2, the difference will be 6 points. Liverpool won the last game against Leicester at home 2-0, D. Jota scored two goals and realistically the result could have been much bigger because Liverpool missed a lot of promising opportunities. Luis Diaz played his first game in a red jersey, Liverpool bought him from Porto and now Klopp has many options in attack. Liverpool is playing well this season, Salah is the top scorer in the league and Trent-Arnold is the best assistant, they scored the most goals in the league, they have the second biggest xG in the league and the biggest xG in 90 minutes and it is a miracle that Liverpool is not the first. Liverpool lost a lot of points in games in which they were better rivals and I think that must come back to them in the next games. Today they play against Burnley, a team that only knows how to defend and has only one win this season.

Burnley is at the bottom of the table and their defensive play no longer gives good results. To move from the last position Burnley should play much more openly than they are currently playing, they scored a point against Manchester Utd but again played a weak game. The host is a real English team that plays with long balls and I think that such a game no longer passes in modern football. In the last game, the only reason why Manchester Utd did not win was the great goalkeeper Pope, who defended all the shots on his goal. Liverpool has certainly not said goodbye to the title yet, so I expect that today they will easily overcome the host and continue the chase for Man City. Burnley will probably play ultra defensively again, but if Liverpool scores the first goal in time, I think they can win by two goals. D. Jota is unstoppable and I expect him to score today.

My prediction;

Outcome: Liverpool to win

Goals: under 2.5

尽管他在媒体上表示争冠已经结束,但我不认为克洛普真的这么认为。利物浦已经很长时间缺少了两名最好的球员,萨拉赫和马内都在非洲杯,今天对阵伯恩利,这是本赛季第一次利物浦全主力出战。曼城比利物浦多12分,但也多赛两场,所以如果利物浦在接下来的2场比赛中获胜,分差将是6分。利物浦上一场主场2-0战胜莱斯特城,D. Jota打进两球,真实的分差结果可能会更大,因为利物浦错失了很多机会。路易斯·迪亚兹在他的第一场比赛中身穿红色球衣,利物浦从波尔图签下了下他,现在克洛普在进攻方面有很多选择。利物浦本赛季打得很好,萨拉赫是联赛最佳射手,特伦特-阿诺德是助攻最多的,他们在联赛中进球最多。今天他们对阵伯恩利,这支只知道如何防守并且本赛季只赢过一场比赛。

伯恩利在积分榜垫底,他们的防守表现不是太好。伯恩利期待能够最后的位置,他们在对阵曼联的比赛中取得了一分,但再次打出了一场糟糕的比赛。主队是一支真正的英格兰球队,他们踢的是长传冲吊,我认为这样的比赛在现代足球中已经不复存在了。上一场比赛,曼联没有获胜的唯一原因是门将波普,他将所有的射门都防守住了。利物浦还没有和冠军说再见,所以我预计今天他们将轻松战胜主队,继续追逐曼城。伯恩利将可能会再次全力防守,但如果利物浦及时打入第一个进球,我认为他们可以以两球以上优势的获胜。D. Jota 势不可挡,我预测他今天能得分。

