Good enough! 欧洲杯瑞士VS西班牙




07/03 00:00



In short, I trust Spain to win this game in 90 minutes. Simple win on Spain and -1.5 handicaps are good bets here.

Since Vladimir Petković sat on the bench of the Swiss national team in 2014, this national team has achieved more than good results. Namely, Switzerland has not missed a single big competition since then, but also this team managed to pass to the knockout phase at the European Championship in 2016, but also at the World Championship in 2018, but unfortunately they always finished the competition at the first obstacle. However, that was not the case at this championship, as Vladimir Petković's team made a real sensation, as they eliminated the current world champion - the selection of France, after a better penalty shootout. What is especially interesting when it comes to that duel is that Didier Deschamps' team led 3: 1 in that match until the 81st minute, but then Seferović and Gavranović came on the scene and with two goals brought the Swiss team overtime. In the penalty series, all Swiss were precise, and the brilliant Zomer defended the penalty to Embape, which was the reason for the great celebration of the chosen Vladimir Petković.

The Spaniards had a disastrous start at this European Championship and this selection did not have a single victory after two rounds, as they drew against the Swedes in the first round, in a duel that ended without goals, and then played a draw with Poland, although they had a penalty for the triumph in that duel. When everyone slowly started writing about how "Fury" has nothing to look for in this tournament, a spectacular game of Luis Enrique's team followed, who demolished Slovakia in the last round of the group stage, and that duel ended with the result 5: 0. For the opponents in the eighth-finals, Spain won the Croats, and there is no doubt that it was the best match in the course of the European Championship so far. Namely, the "red fury" eliminated the current world championship after extra time, since the regular course of the match ended with the result 3: 3. The Croatians took the lead in the early phase of the match after a big mistake by the goalkeeper of the Spanish national team, but after that Spain scored as many as three goals and it seemed that they would reach the quarterfinals without any major problems. However, the "Fiery Ones" came back and won overtime, but then they played phenomenally in those thirty minutes and deservedly came to the placement among the eight best European selections. By the way, unlike his colleague Petković, Luis Enrique will apparently be able to count on all the players for this very important match in which the Spaniards are certainly the favorites.

What could be a big problem for the Swiss for this quarterfinal duel is certainly the non-playing of captain Granit Xhaka, who received a pair of yellow cards against the French. Spain showed to be unpredictable at times but overall they have another great young generation that should take responsibility and try to bring smiles of their nation on faces. They are able to do it. I trust in Spain here to win even easier than expected. 3-1 or 3-0 Spain win.

简而言之,我相信西班牙会在 90 分钟内赢得这场比赛。

自从弗拉基米尔·佩特科维奇在2014年坐上瑞士国家队的替补席后,这支国家队取得的成绩不止一个。也就是说,此后瑞士队没有错过任何一场大型比赛,而且这支球队在2016年的欧锦赛和2018年的世锦赛上都成功晋级淘汰赛,可惜他们总是以第一名完成比赛。障碍。然而,本次锦标赛的情况并非如此,因为弗拉基米尔·佩特科维奇 (Vladimir Petković) 的球队引起了真正的轰动,他们在经过更好的点球大战后淘汰了现任世界冠军——法国的选择。这场对决特别有趣的是,迪迪埃·德尚的球队在那场比赛中以3:1领先直到第81分钟,但随后塞费罗维奇和加夫拉诺维奇上场,两球让瑞士队加时赛。在里面点球系列赛,所有瑞士人都是精准的,才华横溢的佐默为恩巴佩的点球辩护,这也是对选中的弗拉基米尔·佩特科维奇进行盛大庆祝的原因。

西班牙人本次欧洲杯开局惨败,两轮过后,一局未胜,首轮战平瑞典,一场没有进球的比赛,随后又与波兰打成平局,尽管他们在比赛中获得了点球,但是没有打进受到了惩罚。当大家慢慢开始认为他们状态不佳时,路易斯·恩里克的球队开始打出精彩的比赛,他在小组赛最后一轮淘汰了斯洛伐克,这场对决以5:0的结果结束。八强赛西班牙队战胜克罗地亚队,毫无疑问是欧洲杯迄今为止最精彩的一场比赛。即比赛常规赛以3:3的比分结束,克罗地亚人在西班牙门将犯下大错后在比赛初期取得领先,但随后西班牙打进了3个进球,看起来他们可以毫无问题地进入四分之一决赛。然而克罗地亚把比赛拖入加时赛,但西班牙在那三十分钟表现出色,当之无愧地进入了八强。顺便说一句,与佩特科维奇不同,路易斯·恩里克显然能够在这场非常重要的比赛中依靠所有球员,西班牙人无疑是赢球的热门。 对于瑞士人来说,这场四分之一决赛的一个大问题肯定是队长格拉尼特·扎卡(Granit Xhaka)停赛,他在对阵法国人的比赛中吃到黄牌。西班牙有时表现出不可预测,但总体而言,他们的年轻一代实力很强,并努力让他们的球迷脸上洋溢着笑容。他们有能力做到。我相信可以在本场轻松取胜。预测西班牙以 3-1 或 3-0 获胜。
