Who will go into the final? 欧冠 皇马VS拜仁




05/09 03:00



After an exciting 2-2 draw in Munich a week ago, this Wednesday we are expecting the second leg of the semi-final of the Champions League at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium between Real Madrid and Bayern. Carlo Ancelotti did not lose to Bayern as a coach even after the first leg of the Champions League semi-final in Munich, as his team managed to tie the score at 2-2 with Vinicius Junior's goal in the 83rd minute of the match, so on Wednesday night they will have a psychological advantage and a big the support of his fans. With an incredible run of 11 consecutive matches without defeat in the Champions League, with a record of eight triumphs and three draws, including that dramatic quarter-final victory on penalties against reigning European champions Manchester City, Real are the bookies' favorites to win the competition. Real Madrid's form has been impressive this season, they haven't lost in twenty consecutive games. They enter this match after a very safe game and victory against Cadiz 3-0. What is important to highlight is that they achieved that victory without the majority of players from the first lineup, which means that they are well rested for this game. Unlike them, Bayern was defeated 3-1 by Stuttgart in the last league game. Bayern also rested some players, but nowhere near as much as Real Madrid. Matches against Real Madrid are something that Bayer does not look forward to at all. In the last 7 matches, they achieved only two victories, and with the changing form they have during the season, visiting Real is a very difficult task for them. During the season, Real showed that they can change their style of play at any moment, and even if the game does not go according to their plan, they are able to turn the result around very quickly. I believe that they will control the game from the beginning and that this game will be decided by experience, which is undoubtedly on the home team's side.


一周前,在慕尼黑一场激动人心的2比2战平之后,本周三,我们期待着在圣地亚哥伯纳乌球场举行的欧冠半决赛第二回合比赛,对手是皇马和拜仁。在慕尼黑举行的欧冠半决赛首回合比赛后,安切洛蒂没有输给拜仁,他的球队在比赛第83分钟凭借小维尼修斯的进球将比分追成2-2,因此周三晚上他们将拥有心理优势,并得到球迷的大力支持。令人难以置信的是,皇马在欧冠联赛中连续11场不败,战绩为8胜3平,其中包括在1 / 4决赛点球大战中戏剧性地战胜卫冕欧洲冠军曼城,皇马是博彩公司最看好的冠军。皇家马德里本赛季的状态令人印象深刻,他们已经连续20场比赛没有输球。他们在一场非常安全的比赛之后进入了这场比赛,并以3-0战胜了加的斯。值得强调的是,他们在没有主力球员的情况下取得了这场胜利,这意味着他们在这场比赛中得到了很好的休息。与他们不同的是,拜仁在上一场联赛中被斯图加特3:1击败。拜仁也休息了一些球员,但远不及皇马。与皇马的比赛是拜耳根本不期待的。在过去的7场比赛中,他们只取得了两场胜利,随着他们在赛季中状态的变化,做客皇马对他们来说是一项非常艰巨的任务。在这个赛季中,皇马展示了他们可以随时改变自己的比赛风格,即使比赛没有按照他们的计划进行,他们也能够很快扭转局面。我相信他们会从一开始就控制比赛,这场比赛将由经验决定,这无疑是主队的优势。
