【2月17日】13/18 IN PREMIER LEAGUE 英超 曼城VS切尔西




02/18 01:30



The passage discusses the return of De Bruyne to Manchester City after a long injury and his impressive performance, contributing three assists and one goal in four games. In contrast, striker Haaland, the Norwegian striker, had a ten-game injury break and returned to the squad for a short 20-minute appearance against Burnley. City coach Guardiola expressed happiness about having a complete team for upcoming matches. The defense of Manchester City is noted as a permanent concern, being unusually shaky this season with a conceding rate of 1.14 goals, compared to 0.86 goals per league game in the previous championship season.Chelsea's recent setback with a 4-1 defeat against Liverpool and again defeat against Wolves at home 2-4 tells us things are not going well in London Blues. Coach Pochettino is not doing what the Chelesa board wanted of him and because I write this text two weeks before game, maybe he won't be in charge for this difficult away game. Manchester City with De Bruyne is another team, Haaland is back and with creative midfield at his back he can score multiple goals against not so good Chelsea defence. All in all, right now Chelsea is not in range of teams like Liverpool, Arsenal and Manchester City and this match will showed that. Chelsea had a lot of luck in London but I don't believe lady luck will smile twice on them. Therefore, bet falls on Manchester City to win with at least two goals margin.


这篇文章讨论了德布鲁因在长期受伤后回归曼城,以及他在四场比赛中贡献了3次助攻和1个进球的令人印象深刻的表现。相比之下,挪威前锋哈兰德因伤休息了10场比赛,并在对阵伯恩利的比赛中出场了20分钟。曼城主帅瓜迪奥拉对即将到来的比赛拥有一支完整的球队感到高兴。曼城的防守被认为是一个永久的问题,本赛季他们的失球率异常不稳定,为1.14个,而上个赛季的联赛失球率为0.86个。切尔西最近在主场1 -4不敌利物浦和2-4不敌狼队的失利告诉我们,伦敦蓝军的情况并不顺利。教练波切蒂诺没有按照切尔西董事会的要求去做,因为我在比赛前两周写了这篇文章,也许他不会执教这场艰难的客场比赛。拥有德布鲁因的曼城是另一支球队,哈兰德回来了,他的后腰有创造性的中场,他可以在切尔西不太好的后防线上进球。总而言之,现在的切尔西并不是像利物浦,阿森纳和曼城这样的球队,这场比赛将会证明这一点。切尔西在伦敦有很多运气,但我不相信幸运女神会对他们笑两次。因此,赌注落在曼城以至少两球的优势获胜。
