Latvia vs Armenia 欧预赛 拉脱维亚VS亚美尼亚




10/13 00:00



Skonto stadions will host Thursday’s EURO 2024 qualifier between Latvia and Armenia. This match promises to be exciting, and I recommend betting on this match for a win for the visiting side. Below are my reasons;


two losses last month left the Latvians stuck at the bottom of the table. Making it five defeats from five in European Championship qualifying Group D, Latvia were beaten 2-0 at home by Wales last time out and seem destined to finish last in their encounter. Departure from this EURO 2024 competition seems near now for the small Baltic nation, who have lost ten of their last 12 home qualifiers for the Euros following their latest setback in September. The 2:0 defeat to Wales came after a 5-0 thumping in Croatia just days earlier. The catastrophic run began in Latvia's first few fixtures when the Wolves came close to picking up points on more than one occasion. , Latvia twice came within minutes of a draw back in June, first losing to this week's opponents in a stoppage-time penalty in Armenia, then 3-2 to Turkey despite equalizing in the 94th minute through captain Kristers Tobers. Not only are Latvia performing poorly in Group D, they are also set to be without several important players this week, most notably former Rakow Czestochowa striker Vladislavs Gutkovskis, who played a key role in winning the Polish title last season and scored eight times across the most recent World Cup qualifiers and Nations League campaign. Left-back Raivis Jurkovskis is also out injured, while captain Kristers Tobers must serve a suspension. Furthermore, key defender Antonijs Cernomordijs may not be fit until Sunday's game against Turkey.


Armenia is also only three points behind Group D's top two. Ahead of next month's finale, former Ukraine coach Oleksandr Petrakov will want to capitalize on progress made so far, such as a summertime win in Wales, and also keep within range of second-placed Turkey. Experiencing a goal drought in September's qualifiers, losing all five qualifier games, and conceding 13 goals in group D makes Latvia's anguish show just how difficult Thursday's clash at Skonto Stadions could be for the home team. As Armenia also arrives in Riga motivated by the chance of a top-two finish in Group D, the visitors should be able to depart with all three points from this encounter.




上个月的两场失利让拉脱维亚人在积分榜上垫底。拉脱维亚在欧洲杯预选赛D组5战5负,上次在主场0 - 2被威尔士击败,似乎注定要以最后一名出线。对于这个波罗的海小国来说,退出2024年欧洲杯似乎近在眼前,在9月份的最近一次挫折之后,他们在过去12场欧洲杯预选赛中输掉了10场。这场2:0负于威尔士的比赛是在几天前以5:0大胜克罗地亚之后。这场灾难始于拉脱维亚的前几场比赛,当时狼队不止一次接近拿分的机会。今年6月,拉脱维亚曾两次在几分钟内被逼平,第一次是在本周对阵亚美尼亚的比赛中,在补时阶段点球中输给对手,然后是在第94分钟被队长克里斯特斯·托伯斯扳平的情况下,以3比2输给土耳其。拉脱维亚不仅在D组表现不佳,本周他们也将失去几名重要球员,其中最引人注目的是前拉科夫切斯托霍瓦前锋古特科夫斯基,他在上赛季为波兰队赢得冠军发挥了关键作用,并在最近的世界杯预选赛和国家联赛中打进8球。左后卫尤尔科夫斯基也因伤缺阵,而队长托伯斯必须停赛。此外,关键后卫切尔诺莫尔迪吉斯可能要到周日对阵土耳其的比赛才能复出。


