Very good bet here 挪超 维京VS博德闪耀




08/07 01:15



In more than good form, Viking welcomes Bodo on its home field in a match that may well have an impact on the final outcome of the season in Norway. Bodo is in first place in the table, and Viking is right behind them with 6 points less. What is very important is that Viking has one game less, so if they win this match, they have a very real chance to be equal in points with Bodo very soon. And there are certainly reasons for optimism before this match in the ranks of the Vikings. They have been playing fantastic lately and have won 7 of their last 7 games in the league. In those matches, they conceded only 4 goals, and they scored as much as 16, which certainly indicates that they have great attacking potential. They play excellently at home and after 8 games they have only 1 loss and 1 draw. They experienced that defeat in a very exciting match against Molde with a score of 4-3, with a goal they conceded in the 93rd minute. I honestly think they have a very good chance to win at least 1 point in this match and thus make the championship race more interesting.

Bodo has been considered the best team in Norway for years, but unlike previous seasons, they are not so dominant in this one and do not have a big point advantage over the other teams. They enter this match after a well-deserved defeat against Tromsø at home 2-0. Bodo played very badly in that match and they had very few opportunities in front of the opponent's goal and Tromso celebrated more than deservedly. However, that defeat should not make anyone think that Bodo is in crisis and will be an easy opponent for anyone. This was best seen in their next Conference League qualifier against Bohemians in which they won 4-2, despite a convincing 3-0 win in the first leg. Just playing in several competitions can be an important factor in this match. This will be Bodo's 7th game in 22 days and the players are certainly feeling tired. They played their last match only 3 days ago and the question is how much time they had to recover. In contrast to them, Viking played their match 6 days ago and they are certainly more rested going into this match. I believe that we will see a lot of goals in this game, but I give a slight advantage to the home team.



多年来,Bodo一直被认为是挪威最好的球队,但与前几个赛季不同的是,他们在这个赛季并没有那么大的统治力,也没有比其他球队有很大的积分优势。在主场0 - 2惨败特罗姆瑟之后,他们进入了这场比赛。博多在那场比赛中踢得很糟糕,他们在对手门前的机会很少,特罗姆瑟庆祝得太多了。然而,这场失利不应该让任何人认为博多处于危机之中,对任何人来说都将是一个容易的对手。这一点在接下来的西部联赛预选赛对阵波希米亚人的比赛中得到了最好的体现,尽管他们在首回合以3-0的令人信服的胜利获胜,但他们还是以4-2获胜。参加几项比赛对这场比赛来说是一个重要的因素。这将是博多22天内的第7场比赛,球员们肯定会感到疲惫。他们3天前才打了最后一场比赛,问题是他们需要多少时间来恢复。与他们相比,维京人6天前打了他们的比赛,他们在这场比赛中肯定休息得更多。我相信我们会在这场比赛中看到很多进球,但我认为主队有一点优势。
