6/7 IN UEFA U21!!! 欧青赛 西班牙21VS乌克兰21




07/06 03:00



Along with the young Israelis, the Ukrainians are the biggest surprise of this European championship, which is being played in Romania and Georgia. In the last game, Ukraine made a big surprise and eliminated France, which along with Spain and England was the biggest favorite in the tournament. Although Cherki brought the French into the lead, the Ukrainians did not give up and deservedly went on. Although perhaps without big stars in the team, except maybe Mudryk who plays in Chelsea, the Ukrainians demonstrated team play and a generally strong mentality, which at this age can be a decisive factor. Because when we look at the French, they are one or two times stronger and they conceded three goals from the Ukrainians. Now the Spaniards, who also managed to avoid defeat in the last minutes of the match with Ukraine, will try to reach the final. According to the bookmakers, the Spaniards are the big favorites, and that's no surprise considering that they always have strong younger teams, and they are one of the best world teams in the last few decades. expects an opponent who is certainly stronger in every segment of the game. The Spaniards will have to be careful, because they saw how Ukraine can score a couple of goals and change the course of the game in blink of the eye. The Spaniards are of better quality and will probably win this match, but I think I have a very good value in +1.5 AH on Ukraine because I think the Spaniards will have a very hard time winning with a two goal difference. Ukraine showed a lot in this tournament and I believe they will fight hard so i want be surprised if we see overtime in this semifinal.


与年轻的以色列人一样,乌克兰人是本届欧洲杯最大的惊喜,本届欧洲杯将在罗马尼亚和格鲁吉亚举行。在上一场比赛中,乌克兰出其不意地淘汰了法国队,而法国队与西班牙和英格兰一起是本届比赛中最受欢迎的球队。虽然切尔基带领法国队取得领先,但乌克兰人并没有放弃,他们当之无愧地继续前进。虽然球队中可能没有大牌球星,除了效力于切尔西的穆德里克,但乌克兰人展示了团队精神和强大的心态,这在这个年龄可能是决定性的因素。因为当我们看看法国队的时候,他们比我们强一到两倍,他们被乌克兰人丢了三个球。西班牙队在与乌克兰的比赛最后几分钟避免了失败,现在他们将努力进入决赛。根据博彩公司的说法,西班牙队是最受欢迎的球队,这并不奇怪,因为他们总是拥有强大的年轻球队,而且他们是过去几十年来世界上最好的球队之一。期待对手在比赛的各个环节都更强。西班牙人必须小心,因为他们看到了乌克兰是如何在眨眼之间打进几个球并改变比赛进程的。西班牙人的实力更强,可能会赢得这场比赛,但我认为乌克兰的+1.5 AH值非常好,因为我认为西班牙人在两球的差距下很难取胜。乌克兰在这次比赛中表现得很好,我相信他们会努力战斗,所以如果我们在半决赛中看到加时赛,我希望感到惊讶。
