BIG game 欧预赛 法罗群岛VS阿尔巴尼




06/21 02:45



Faroe Islands host Albania at the Torsvollur on Tuesday night in Group E of the Euro 2024 qualifiers. Faroe Islands have never qualified for a major tournament, which is unsurprising given that they represent the fourth-smallest UEFA country in terms of population; with a population of about 54,000. Under Hakan Ericson, they have maintained their status in League C of the UEFA Nations League after gaining promotion from the bottom tier in 2021. They lost 3-0 at home to Czech Republic at the weekend. On the other hand, Albania will fancy their chances of ousting either Czech Republic or Poland into one of the automatic qualification spots. After the 1-0 defeat to Poland in their group game opener, they beat Moldova 2-0 on Saturday to get their campaign back on track. Former Arsenal and Barcelona ace Sylvinho, who took over the Albanian national team at the beginning of the year, will try to take them to the EURO for the second time in history; they last played at EURO 2016. I am expecting a win for Albania for the following reasons:

Firstly. Faroe Islands opened their qualification campaign with a 1-1 draw against Moldova, taking the lead before the half-hour mark via a Mads Mikkelsen strike before their opponents scored a late leveller. Faroe Islands then lost 3-0 to Czech Republic, failing to register a shot on target to sit rock-bottom in the group with one point. They have now suffered 65 defeats from 78 fixtures during the EURO qualifiers so far, and have really nothing to hope for, at least when talk about the fight for the first two places come up. Faroe Islands are on a run of back-to-back defeats and are without a win in five games across all competitions. They have also lost four of their last six home games.

Secondly. Albania are firmly back on track to try and qualify from their group. After falling to a 1-0 loss to Poland in their group game opener, they went ahead to record a victory at home against Moldova on Saturday. With Albania unlikely to receive a chance of competing in Germany next summer via the Nations League playoffs, whether they can reach their second major tournament may end up coming down to whether they can take points from Czech Republic, or indeed in their reverse fixture against Poland in Tirana later this year. They however know that getting victories over one of the weakest teams in Europe in their upcoming double-header is one of their top priorities in keeping them in contention of qualifying. Albania will do everything in their power to sneak into the top two of their qualifying group.

I expect a tight game to be played out between these two nations, who both know there is plenty at stake in this match. Albania are the stronger side though, and should come out on top after the 90 minutes. So, I am expecting a win for Albania tonight.


法罗群岛将于周二晚在托斯沃尔鲁主场迎战阿尔巴尼亚,参加2024年欧洲杯预选赛E组的比赛。法罗群岛从未获得过参加重大赛事的资格,这并不奇怪,因为他们是欧足联人口第四少的国家;人口约54000人。在哈坎·埃里克森的带领下,他们在2021年从最底层升入欧足联(UEFA) C联赛,一直保持着联赛的地位。上周末,他们在主场0 - 3不敌捷克。另一方面,阿尔巴尼亚很有可能会淘汰捷克或波兰,自动获得出线资格。在小组赛首战0 - 1不敌波兰之后,他们在周六以2-0击败摩尔多瓦,重新走上了征战的正轨。前阿森纳和巴塞罗那球星西尔维尼奥在今年年初接管了阿尔巴尼亚国家队,他将试图带领阿尔巴尼亚国家队历史上第二次参加欧洲杯;他们上一次参加欧洲杯是在2016年。我希望阿尔巴尼亚能赢,理由如下:

首先。法罗群岛队以1-1战平摩尔多瓦队拉开了预选赛的序幕,在半小时前,法罗群岛队凭借米克尔森的进球取得领先,随后对手在比赛最后时刻扳平比分。之后,法罗群岛0 - 3不敌捷克,一脚射门都射正,以1分排名小组垫底。到目前为止,他们在欧洲杯预选赛中78场比赛中遭遇了65场失利,并且真的没有什么希望,至少当谈到争夺前两个位置时。法罗群岛正处于背靠背的失败中,并且在所有比赛中有五场比赛没有获胜。他们在最近的6场主场比赛中输掉了4场。

其次。阿尔巴尼亚稳稳地回到了小组赛出线的轨道上。在小组赛首战0 - 1负于波兰之后,他们在周六主场战胜了摩尔多瓦。由于阿尔巴尼亚不太可能在明年夏天通过国家联赛季后赛获得参加德国世界杯的机会,他们能否进入第二场重要赛事可能最终取决于他们能否从捷克共和国那里拿到积分,或者今年晚些时候在地拉那与波兰的比赛中逆转。然而,他们知道,在即将到来的双头赛中战胜欧洲最弱的球队之一是他们保持出线资格的首要任务之一。阿尔巴尼亚将尽其所能进入预选赛小组的前两名。

