80% wins in spain




04/09 03:00



Coming back from their famous win over Barcelona in the Copa del Rey second leg semifinal, the La Liga reigning champions welcome Villareal to the Santiago Bernabeu for a round of La Liga matches on Saturday night. Madrid are currently second in the La Liga table, 11 points behind the league leaders, Barcelona. While Villarreal occupy the 6th position, four points off of the 4th placed Real Sociedad in the race for a Champions League spot. I expect a Real Madrid win in this encounter for the following reasons:

Firstly. Real Madrid's attack have been impressive this season and in the past couple of seasons. The emergence of Junior and rebirth of Benzema have been the key driving force of their attack. Between both of them, they have scored 22 goals in La Liga this season. The potency of Madrid's attack has got them leading the pack in the total number of goals scored so far in the season with a record of 57 goals in 27 matches. Containing both of them in this encounter is almost impossible.

Secondly. Villarreal have got a lot of their first team players unavailable compared to Real Madrid who have their full squad available except for one player. Villarreal will be without Jackson who will be serving suspension for the red card picked up in their last clash against Real Sociedad. They will also be without the services of Francis Coquelin, Etinne Capoue, and prolific striker Gérard Moreno who are all out injured. The veteran defender and former Madrid player, Raul Albiol will most likely also miss the encounter due to fitness issues. This depletion in their squad depth further tips the balance in Madrid's favor.

Thirdly. Both teams have got almost similar records in form in their last six matches with Madrid recording four wins and a draw, and Villarreal recording three wins and two draws. But Santiago Bernabeu is a tough ground for visiting opponents. In their last 21 home matches, they have only lost twice. And both losses were against Barcelona. Getting a result at Bernabeu in this encounter will be a tough task for Villarreal, and I do not see it happening considering the impeccable form Madrid are in right now.

Villarreal are in a good form presently. But Madrid are in a more impressive form, with Benzema and Vinicius Junior in excellent form as well. I expect a Real Madrid win in this encounter.

在西班牙国王杯第二回合半决赛中战胜巴塞罗那后,西甲卫冕冠军球队在周六晚上欢迎比利亚雷亚尔前往圣地亚哥伯纳乌球场参加一轮西甲比赛。马德里目前在西甲积分榜上排名第二,落后联赛领头羊巴塞罗那11分。比利亚雷亚尔排在第 6 位,比第 4 名的皇家社会队少 4 分,他们正在争夺冠军联赛的席位。我预测皇马在这场比赛中获胜,原因如下:

首先。皇家马德里本赛季和过去几个赛季的进攻令人印象深刻。 Junior的出现和本泽马的重生是他们进攻的关键驱动力。他们两人本赛季在西甲打进了22球。皇马进攻的威力使他们在本赛季迄今为止的总进球数上领跑,27 场比赛打入 57 球。将他们两人都牵制在这场遭遇战中几乎不可能的。

第二。与皇马相比,比利亚雷亚尔有很多一线队球员无法上场,而皇马除了一名球员外,他们的全部阵容都可用。比利亚雷亚尔将缺少杰克逊,杰克逊将因在上次对阵皇家社会队的比赛中吃到红牌被停赛。他们也将失去 Francis Coquelin、Etinne Capoue 和多产前锋 Gérard Moreno ,他们都受伤了。老将后卫和前马德里球员劳尔阿尔比奥尔也很可能因健康问题缺席本场比赛。他们阵容深度的减少进一步使天平向对马德里有利的方向倾斜。


