Rotherham vs Cardiff




03/18 23:00



Matt Taylor was critical of his squad in the last few days and they have to bounce back against a team that is sitting just below them in the league. Both teams arent entirely in the drop zone and they know the importance of this fixture. I expect Rotherham United to bounce back against Cardiff City and my recommended betting pick would be a home win or draw. Here's why you should bet on this;


Cardiff City I'm not a good side as people always make it out to be and their placing this season supports that fact. Much of their strength is just about their previous history and their current team does not strike fear into the opponents like before. Rotherham United has the luxury of getting good players on loan from the top clubs and their squad depth is great for a team in the English Championship. Matt Taylor has already hit the 40-point mark with this team and I don't see them moving into the drop zone. Playing against a below average team like Cardiff City should fetch Rotherham United all three points or a draw in the worst case.


Rotherham United is hosting one of the worst away teams in the division and I don't see how they should not get at least a win or draw. There have been only four away wins for Cardiff City this season and they have always lacked proper motivation to play away or they are intimidated by the opponents. The Bluebirds have lost their last two away games by a scoreline of 2-0. Interestingly, Rotherham United's favorite scoreline win at home this season are all two goal wins. Over 60% of Cardiff City's away games have ended in defeats and I see Rotherham United inflicting more pain on the Bluebirds.

Cardiff City is just below Rotherham United on the log. Despite their recent loss, the home team still has more good games than Cardiff City who is very poor away. I'm predicting this tie to go in favor of Rotherham United, finishing in a home win or draw.



卡迪夫城我不是好球队,人们总是这么认为,他们本赛季的排名也支持了这一事实。他们的大部分实力都只是关于他们以前的历史,他们现在的球队并没有像以前那样让对手感到恐惧。罗瑟勒姆联队拥有从顶级俱乐部租借优秀球员的奢侈,他们的阵容深度对于英冠球队来说非常棒。 Matt Taylor 已经在这支球队中拿到了 40 分,我认为他们不会进入降级区。与像卡迪夫城这样的低于平均水平的球队比赛应该得到罗瑟勒姆联队全取三分,最坏的情况是平局。


罗瑟勒姆联队主场迎战分区中最差的客场球队之一,我不明白他们为什么不至少赢一场或平一场。本赛季卡迪夫城只有四场客场胜利,他们总是缺乏适当的客场比赛动力或被对手吓倒。蓝鸟队以 2-0 的比分输掉了最近两个客场比赛。有趣的是,本赛季罗瑟勒姆联队在主场最喜欢的得分线胜利都是两球胜利。卡迪夫城超过 60% 的客场比赛都以失败告终,我看到罗瑟勒姆联队给蓝鸟队带来了更多的痛苦。

