Is the difference in quality too big?




03/08 03:45



At the moment, Sutton is in 9th position in the table, which is only two places away from the place that guarantees them the play off at the end of the season. There are 12 rounds left until the end of the championship and if they continue to play at this rate, they have more than realistic chances to occupy one of the desired positions. Looking at the form of the last few matches, Sutton is at the very top of the table. In the last 10 games, they have only one loss with 5 wins and 4 draws. One of the main reasons for their good position in the table is their home game. They haven't lost at home since November. It cannot be said that they play very attractive football, but they really know how to play for the result. Today they have a very good opportunity to continue their good streak and with the new three points improve their chances even more until the end of the season.

The team that is currently in the worst form in the league is visiting them. Since the beginning of the year, Crawley have only one win in 9 league matches. They are currently on a streak of 5 defeats, in which they managed to score only 3 goals. True, they played against teams that are in the upper part of the table, but today's rival is also there and it is very difficult to expect that they will manage to win a positive result in this match. Their defense is the second worst in the league, and when Sutton wins lately, it is usually with at least two goals scored (as was the case in the last 3 games). The quality of the team, the mood in the team itself and the ambitions in the league are completely on the home team's side and we should expect a sure victory in front of their fans.

目前,萨顿排在积分榜第9位,距离赛季末保级附加赛仅差2位。距离锦标赛结束还有 12 轮比赛,如果他们继续以这种速度比赛,他们将有更多的机会占据一个理想的位置。从最近几场比赛的状态来看,萨顿位居榜首。在最近的10场比赛中,他们只输了一场,5胜4平。他们在积分榜上的好位置的主要原因之一是他们的主场比赛。自去年 11 月以来,他们还没有在主场输过球。不能说他们踢的足球很有吸引力,但他们真的知道如何为结果而战。今天他们有一个很好的机会继续他们的好势头,并且随着新的三分增加他们的机会直到赛季结束。

