What will happen at Stamford Bridge? 欧冠切尔西VS多特蒙德




03/08 04:00



In my opinion Borussia have really good chances to avoid loss in today's match up and get promotion into quarterfinals.

Borussia won 1:0 at home in first match between both teams and have big mental advantage before this game. Borussia have progressed into next round 5 times in last 6 occasions when won first match in Champions League knockout stage.

I don't know how to trust for Chelsea. They failed to win in 14 of 17 matches in all competitions. Their manager Graham Potter walks on the edge and he is just about to fall, no doubts about that. At the weekend he won 1:0 at home against Leeds (relegation material), but that not changed too much. Players not make progress under his wing. I think atmosphere also is not good - for example Jason Mount wants to leave the club - he is home boy and for sure it's prove of my words. Chelsea today also have squad problems: key winger Pulisic is unavailable today, same key defenders Silva & Azpilicueta.

On the other hand Borussia flying sky high - they won all 12 matches in 2023 in all competitions. Confidence in team is on the highest possible level. At Friday they won huge game in Bundesliga against RBL and currently they have same amount of points as Bayern. Atmosphere in team is great, they coming for this game without any fear and all pressure is on Chelsea players shoulders.

Chelsea have huge problems with goalscoring - they scored only 2 goals in last 7 matches in all competitions. On the others hand Borussia scored at least one goal in last 12 consecutive matches (in 10 of those matches they scored more than one). They have all required tools to score at least one goal today and that should be enough.

I really don't see Chelsea here as so big favorite. Borussia don't have nothing to lose and is able to avoid loss here.



我不知道如何信任切尔西。在所有比赛中,他们在 17 场比赛中有 14 场未能获胜。他们的经理格雷厄姆波特走在边缘,他正要跌倒,对此毫无疑问。周末他在主场1:0战胜利兹联(保级材料),但这并没有太大改变。球员在他的羽翼下没有进步。我认为气氛也不好——例如 Jason Mount 想离开俱乐部——他是家庭男孩,这肯定证明了我的话。切尔西今天也有阵容问题:关键边锋普利西奇今天无法上场,同样是关键后卫席尔瓦和阿斯皮利奎塔。

另一方面多特状态正佳 - 他们在 2023 年的所有比赛中赢得了所有 12 场比赛。对团队的信心处于最高水平。周五他们在德甲对阵莱比锡的比赛中大获全胜,目前他们与拜仁的积分相同。球队的气氛很好,他们毫无畏惧地来参加这场比赛,所有的压力都落在了切尔西球员的肩上。

切尔西在进球方面存在巨大问题——他们在所有比赛的最后 7 场比赛中只进了 2 个球。另一方面,多特在过去的 12 场连续比赛中至少进了一个球(其中 10 场比赛他们进了一个以上)。他们拥有今天至少进一球所需的所有工具,这就足够了。

