David Against Goliath




03/17 04:00



A sort of David against Goliath despite in the first leg between Atalanta and Real Madrid there were not many differences.Both teams are coming on this meeting with similiar spirits — Real Madrid have not lost since January 30 won six out of eight matches between La Liga and the Champions League. But it does not continue to convince completely since many of its players give the idea of ​​being at the end of the race, closing a cycle.Manager Zidane was clear before the match about the strategy. They will not wait the time to pass strong of the goal advantage but will try to take the lead from the start.“If we don't score at least two goals, it will be very dangerous for us”.Regarding absentees advanced midfield Hazard is again injured while defensive leader Sergio Ramos should be part of the match.

Atalanta seems established itself with the rythm of Champions League. Only one year ago they reached the maximum point of history entering in top eight teams.Atalanta did not lose heart and in the league they won three matches out of four, beating Sampdoria, Crotone and Spezia, remaining largely in the running for fourth placement —is +2 over Naples and Rome and +6 from Lazio. The only discordant note was the defeat at San Siro versus Inter of Antonio Conte.Manager Gasperini and his club having only one result available while any draw could be fine for Real Madrid to fly to the quarterfinals, will try to attack from the start and face Real Madrid in open match.“Of course, they are weakened by the failures. They are still well equiped and maybe only on the substitutes are of a little less quality than usual.”

Real Madrid

Injuries/Suspensions: Carvajal (11/0 d), Diaz (10/1 f), Casemiro (24/5 m), Hazard (9/2 f).


Injuries/Suspensions: Hateboer (17/2 m), Sutalo (7/0 d), Freuler (23/1 m).


Atalanta have to start offensively but they inevitably be vulnerable in defense. Real Madrid are an expert of those situations.

Real Madrid -0.5

两支球队都带着类似的状态出战本场比赛-自1月30日以来,皇家马德里西甲联赛八场比赛中的六场和欧洲冠军联赛均保持不败。但是它并没有继续完全说服自己,因为许多球员都提出了在比赛结束时保持状态,结束一个周期的想法。经理齐达内在赛前很清楚这个策略。他们不会等待足够的时间来获得进球优势,而是会从一开始就占据领先地位。“如果我们至少不进球两个,那对我们来说将是非常危险的。”再次受伤,而防守领袖塞尔吉奥·拉莫斯(Sergio Ramos)应该参加比赛。



