18/14 in CL! Best bet for today! 欧冠18中14!今日欧冠最佳选择




09/14 03:00



In my opinion Bayer Leverkusen have really good chances to make at least one point in today's match up.

In past Atletico played 4 away matches against Leverkusen in European Cups and won only once. Currently Atletico have very bad streak in away matches against teams from Bundesliga as they lost 6 of last 7 such matches.

Of course, Leverkusen have poor start of the season, but they have really big potential in attack because players like Hudson-Odoi, Diaby or Shick are really skilled and very dangerous for all defensive formations. Slowly everything starts to clicking together - Leverkusen scored more than one goal in 3 of last 4 matches. In first match on away against Brugge they lost 0:1, but that wasn't deserved result: expected goals scored for Brugge 0.49, for Leverkusen 1.06. I believe they have all required tools to score against Atletico today.

Atletico conceded at least one goal in 20 of last 21 matches in European Cups against team's from Bundesliga! Their defensive formation is not so solid like in previous years - guests kept only one clean sheet in last 5 matches and their results looks better than really should. They won first group match at home against Porto (expected goals scored for Porto 2.07, for Atletico), they won last round match in La Liga against Celta Vigo (expected goals scored for Celta 1.72, for Atletico 0.71). Atletico not playing nothing spectacular at the moment, no doubt about that.

I believe Leverkusen front of home crowd is able to make huge troubles for guests.



当然,勒沃库森本赛季开局不佳,但他们的进攻潜力非常大,因为像哈德森-奥多伊、迪亚比或希克这样的球员在所有防守阵型中都非常熟练而且非常危险。慢慢地,一切都开始融合在一起——勒沃库森在过去 4 场比赛中有 3 场打进了超过 1 个进球。在客场对阵布鲁日的首场比赛中,他们以 0:1 失利,但这并不是应得的结果:布鲁日的预期进球数为 0.49,勒沃库森的预期进球数为 1.06。我相信他们拥有抗衡马竞的实力。

竞最近21场欧洲杯对阵德甲球队的比赛中有20场至少丢了一个球!他们的防守阵型不像前几年那么稳固——客人在过去的 5 场比赛中只保持了一张不失球,他们的结果看起来比实际应该的要好。他们在主场对阵波尔图的第一场小组赛中获胜(波尔图的预期进球数为 2.07,马竞队),他们在西甲联赛的上轮比赛中战胜了塞尔塔(塞尔塔队的预期进球数为 1.72,马竞队的预期进球数为 0.71)。毫无疑问,马竞目前没有发挥出色的表现。

