Big info here!!! 重要的球队信息




02/24 03:00



Middlesbrough beat promotion candidates Reading 2-0 on a tough away game. Fletcher and Bola scored 2 goals in the first half and now Middlesbrough is again in the promotion race. They are just 3 points behind Bournemouth and a position that leads to Premier league playoff. This is a very important game for them so I don't doubt they will be very motivated to record a win here. On other hand, Bristol City is in huge problems. Bristol lost the last seven games in the row and they are still playing without a manager. In the last 5 games, they have scored just 2 goals and allow 14 goals in their net. Confidence is very low in the team after some heavy defeats lately, they lost 6-0 when they visited Watford a few weeks ago. That's due to the fact Bristol is right now playing without 6 players from the first eleven. The caretaker managers had to add some young players to the squad but they are inexperienced. Bristol had just one shot on the goal in the last game so it will be very hard for them to take points against a team that is fighting for promotion. The home team won the last game 1-0 in Bristol so I expect the same scenario again.

My prediction: Middlesbrough to win

米德尔斯堡在一场艰难的客场比赛中以2-0击败了雷丁。弗莱彻和博拉在上半场进了2球,现在米德尔斯堡又有机会争取升级资格。他们仅落后伯恩茅斯3分,有机会获得升级附加赛资格。这对他们来说是一场非常重要的比赛,所以我不怀疑他们会很有动力在这里取得胜利。另一方面,布里斯托尔城也面临着巨大的问题。布里斯托尔连续输掉了七场比赛,他们仍然在没有教练的情况下比赛。在过去的5场比赛中,他们只进了2球,并丢了14球。在最近几次惨败之后,球队的信心非常低,他们在几周前客场对阵沃特福德时0 - 6负于对手。这是因为布里斯托尔目前在前11名球员中没有6名球员。临时教练不得不增加一些年轻球员,但他们缺乏经验。布里斯托尔在上一场比赛中只有一次射门,所以他们面对一支为晋级而战的球队时,想要得分是非常困难的。主队上一场在布里斯托以1-0取胜,所以我希望同样的情况再次发生。

