Big opportunity!!




09/03 02:00



Benfica -2 at home this season is something we always have to take advantage of.

Benfica is making a spectacular start to the season. There are 8 games and 8 victories, 23 goals scored (almost an average of 3 per game) and 6 of those 8 games won by 2 goals or more. This demonstrates their offensive power and how they like to crush opponents. They had problems in the last 2 seasons, with the president's arrest for example, but Rui Costa (the club's idol) took over the presidency and things changed for this season. He bet on R. Schmidt, who is an attacking coach and that's what fans expect from the team. They are the biggest Portuguese club and winning 1 or 2-0 is not enough for the fans. They want to humiliate opponents in every game. The stadium will be full of fans, more than 60k in the stands supporting the team and making the environment hell for the opponent.

Vizela is a club at the bottom of the table, they have some technical limitations despite playing good football. I like their coach, he is one of the good Portuguese names as a coach. But they like to play the game, try to get out of the game and put pressure on the opponent. This is praiseworthy but the problem is that in Portugal the gap between the big 3 and Braga for the rest of the teams is very large. It is a problem of the Portuguese league and that needs to be improved to become a more attractive league. But the quality gap is still big and Benfica will be super comfortable in the game. I expect space for both teams to play, I'm not surprised Benfica conceded 1 goal but I expect 4 or 5 from them.

本赛季本菲卡主场 -2 是我们一直必须利用的优势。 本菲卡在本赛季的开局非常出色。有8场比赛和8场胜利,23个进球(几乎平均每场3个),这8场比赛中有6场以2球或以上的比分获胜。这展示了他们的进攻能力以及他们喜欢粉碎对手的方式。他们在过去的两个赛季中遇到了问题,例如总统被捕,但鲁伊·科斯塔(俱乐部的偶像)接任了主席职位,本赛季情况发生了变化。他押注于 R. Schmidt,他是一名进攻型教练,而这正是球迷对球队的期望。他们是葡萄牙最大的俱乐部,1-0 或 2-0 的胜利对球迷来说是不够的。他们想在每场比赛中羞辱对手。体育场将挤满球迷,超过 60,000 人在看台上支持球队,让对手的环境变得地狱般。

维兹拉是积分榜垫底的俱乐部,尽管他们踢得很好,但他们还是有一些技术限制。我喜欢他们的教练,他是葡萄牙最好的教练之一。但他们喜欢打比赛,试图摆脱比赛,给对手施加压力。这是值得称赞的,但问题是在葡萄牙,其他球队的三巨头和布拉加之间的差距非常大。这是葡萄牙联赛的一个问题,需要改进才能成为一个更具吸引力的联赛。但质量差距仍然很大,本菲卡在比赛中会超级舒服。我希望两支球队都有比赛空间,本菲卡丢了 1 球我并不感到惊讶,但我预计他们会丢 4 或 5 球。
