Good bye HIFK?




06/22 23:00



To be honest for Ilves against anyone this feels like a big handicap, but on the other hand this time they host HIFK who are about to declare bankrupcy this or next week, and who played an absolute nightmare of a game last round by losing 1-5 to VPS who are more or less similar class to Ilves.

Ilves do not normally win anyone by a big margin and they have this ridiculous cup loss against their own reserves in the near history, but they also did well against strong teams Honka and Inter by drawing, and winning 3-2 over Lahti.

HIFK are the league's weakest team even without the latest news that unless they raise a certain amount of money by end of June they are gone, and they will not. No reasonable person will invest in them as they keep on making financial losses season after season, and even if they do have a strong fan base by noise, it is still not big enough to keep them alive as most of the other people do not like, or their fans which are kind of hard core.

So far in the league HIFK have 3 points out of 10 games and it speaks volumes of their class in the pitch and on the bench. They are very weak, management very old school and I not feel sorry for a moment that they will be gone. Only a few of their players will find a new club on this level they they are soon set free.

HIFK have result-wise played rather even games, but the negative spin in the news and within the club for past weeks must mean that they none of their players - including top keeper Beto - is happy. Some of the foreign signings have already left the club without any news publicly, and this might - hopefully - be their last match on this level.

Good bye HIFK.









3 - 0
