Wrong odds in Bundesliga today! 德甲柏林赫塔VS斯图加特




04/24 23:30



In my opinion Hertha have really good chances to make at least one point in today's match up.

Currently Hertha have good record against Stuttgart as they didn't lost against them in 3 of last 4 matches. Hertha also won 4 of last 5 home matches against Stuttgart. Why not today?

It's extremely important match for the table - both teams are involved in the fight to avoid relegation.

The main reason why I trust for Hertha here is Felix Magath on the bench - since he arrived to Berlin, Hertha won 2 of 4 matches (before that they won 6 in 26..). Players looked more motivated and plays with more intensity - players runs 118km per game (second-best result in whole league in that department during last 4 rounds). For Magath is special game, match #500 on the bench in Bundesliga and for sure he know how to motivate players for this occasion.

Stuttgart failed to win in last 8 consecutive away Bundesliga matches. On those circumstances is hard to see them as a favorite against motivated team on the stadium where they don't like to play.

Odds are wrong, Hertha have more chances than bookies wants to suggest for us.


目前柏林赫塔对阵斯图加特的战绩不错,近4场比赛3场均不败。赫塔在最近5场主场对阵斯图加特的比赛中也赢了4场。为什么不是今天? 对于积分榜来说,这是一场极其重要的比赛——两支球队都在为保级而战。

我信任赫塔的主要原因是替补席上的费利克斯·马加特——自从他来到柏林以来,赫塔赢得了 4 场比赛中的 2 场(在此之前,他们在 26 场比赛中赢了 6 场......)。球员看起来更有动力,比赛也更有强度——球员每场比赛跑 118 公里(在过去 4 轮比赛中,该部门的全联盟第二好成绩)。因为马加特是一场特殊的比赛,在德甲的替补席上比赛#500,他肯定知道如何在这个场合激励球员。


